Taeyeon took the jelly from the lady and smiled as she handed it over to the brunette. "Here you go. There's no use arguing with her. She has no choice because it's the store's policy and her supervisor might hold her responsible for it."

The brunette stared at the jelly and then at Taeyeon.

"Go on." Taeyeon gestured the bag forward. "Your friend is waiting, right?"

She smiled when the girl was still too shocked to react. "I mean no harm. I just happen to like jelly very much too." She placed the bag on the counter. "Please take it. It's yours." She nodded politely before leaving the store.

Taeyeon walked to her car, unlocked the doors and put the shopping bag in the passenger seat.

She closed the door, walked around to the driver side and pulled the door open.


Taeyeon heard the loud voice and turned her head. She saw the brunette running towards her. She raised her eyebrows. "Yes?"

The girl bowed. "Thank you for your kindness." Her hands were cutely holding on to the bag of jelly.

Taeyeon chuckled. "You're most welcome. Enjoy it."

"I will. Thanks again."

"No problem." She hesitated. "I don't mean to pry or be impolite but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I know how it feels to not be able to have what you want – who you want." She smiled sadly. "But life goes on. You're young, pretty and you seem like a nice person. I'm sure you'll find someone else. Someone better." She saw the astonished look and chuckled. "Until then, there are ice cream and jellies so we're good."

The girl kept staring at Taeyeon with wide eyes. "I-I guess so." She looked down and blushed a bit. "Thank you for your kind words."

"Stop thanking me. It's fine." Taeyeon found herself staring at the cute embarrassed young lady and couldn't help herself. "Can I ask you something? But please don't think of me as a creepy psycho woman or something..."

The girl looked up. "Uhm... sure?"

"How old are you?"

She raised her eyebrows. "W-what?!"

"N-no no! I'm not a creepy psycho, remember?" Taeyeon waved her hands frantically. "I'm just curious. People always say I look a lot younger than my age and I think you do too."

"How old are you then?"

Taeyeon smiled. "Believe it or not, I've passed the big three-oh."

The girl gasped. "What?!"

She chuckled. "See? And you?"

A bow. "I'm 27, Unnie."

"W-what?! I could've sworn that you're still a college student!" Taeyeon blurted out.

The girl giggled. "I get that a lot."

The giggle was like music to Taeyeon's ears. She forgot about the pain of losing the love of her life. It was like discovering a drop of fresh water after being left in the desert for years. She didn't even realize that she was smiling widely.

"Anyway..." The brunette cleared her throat awkwardly. "I better get going. Thank you again for the jelly, Unnie."

"My pleasure."

She started to walk away.


She stopped and saw Taeyeon running towards her.

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