Chapter 1, Birthday Party

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Harry's P.O.V

Zayn split us up, "it's the best thing to do right now" he said, "it will pay off in the end" he said, no it fuckin won't.

Louis is in fuckin Asia, Liam is in fricking Europe, Niall ended up in goddamn Australia, and the other two, I don't even fucking care. The problem is that I got stuck in what used to be America with Luke motherfuckin Hemmings. That son of a bitch is so stupid, it takes an hour for him to cook minute rice. Believe me, he is the proof that God has a sense of humour.

I'm usually not a negative guy, but it's just something about him that makes me want to hit him, hard, in the face, with a chair, made out of metal.

So here I am, in the Capital, with Zayn and Luke, trying to figure out what to do because I'm pretty damn bored with just shagging around.

Girls don't excite me anymore, it's not fun at all when they throw themselves at your feet. And they tend to do that a lot when you are extremely good looking, like I am with the dimples and all, and happen to be a Lord. One out of seven actually. We have Louis, my best mate. Liam, whipped for his girl Sam. Niall, a lad who gets overly excited for the smallest things. Ashton, a muscular kid who likes to wear bandanas. Mikey, also known as Mike, Michael and Banana. And last but not least, Luke, a guy who must have a Teflon brain because nothing sticks.

They're all pretty cool, except for Luke that is. Everyone is coming to the Capital to celebrate Zayn's birthday.

So I'm just counting the hours until they get here, only 18 hours to go.

But I have this feeling about the party. I can't tell if it's a good feeling or not, but I know that it will change a lot. Don't ask me how I know this, I just do. Perks of being a vampire, I guess?

"Hi there!" Louis pats me in the back, "We were looking for you, thought you had ran away" he joked. Little did he know I was actually considering it, was jumping out the window and taking a run for it an option?

"Yeah, uhh, I'll be there in a second mate, just give me a minute" I replied trying to shoot him a half smile.

It's not that I'm feeling bad, it's just that I can't seem to shake that uneasy feeling. Something isn't right and it's making my stomach turn. Oh well, whatever it is can't be that bad, right. Let's just go with the flow and see where it takes us.

Luke's P.O.V

I hate this. All the flashing lights, the clingy girls and the loud music.

But the ball room is truly amazing. The walls are covered in some kind of red curtains? I don't know, but it looks pretty. The theme is Las Vegas, on one side of the room there is a gambling area filled with roulettes, black jacks and a bunch of other shit I don't know the name of. On the other side there's a big dance floor and a bar. My favourite thing about this room is the ceiling. There is a big glass roof window that cover most of the middle of the ceiling. The sides are filled with Greek statues, naked half bodies peeking out looking down and at each other.

As I look up at the roof window, it looks like a white bird of some kind is crashing down on it, wait... that is not a bird.

"Get away!!" I scream as I try to get to the middle as fast as possible.

The glass shatters into millions of small pieces as the girl comes crashing throug it. I catch her, but lose my balance as the force of her fall presses down on me. I fall onto my back with the girl in my arms.

She's beautiful, unconscious and she's barely breathing.

"Somebody get her to the hospital!!" Everyone is still as I shout frantically. Too shocked to be able to move. Finally Zayn took control of the situation.

"Niall get the ambulance here ASAP, Liam get her a glass of water, Ashton get her something to wear, her clothes are completely shattered, move people!!" He ordered everyone around like a real boss.

The ambulance arrived at last, me, Liam, Harry and Zayn followed it all the way to the hospital with clothes for her and a glass of water. Now that I think about it it's pretty stupid that we brought the water, but we were too shocked to let go of it. I mean, how often does a beautiful girl fall out of the sky?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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