Chapter 1: Hate?

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Ten entered the school gates looking left and right to spot his bestfriends but the boy is disappointed because they are nowhere to be found.

"Ten hyung!" A tall guy shouted, smiling widely showing his dimples while waving his hands frantically and at the same time running to the short boy.

"Jaehyunie! Missed me too much? We're just together yesterday, aigoo this baby." The thai boy cooed and jumped onto Jaehyun's arms for a tight tight hug.

"Yes hyung, Jaehyunie likes hyung so much." Jaehyun whispered in Ten's ear while giggling, enjoying their skinskip.

"Yah! That's my boyfriend!" A bunny-looking guy exclaimed while panting heavily looking like he ran after Jaehyun which he really did.

"Yah! Doyoungie is jealous?" Ten teased Doyoung while the latter blushed, glaring cutely at Ten but proceeding to hug him anyway. His glare was replaced by a smile showing his teeth that is cutely similar to a bunny.

"Doyoungie-hyung, you don't need to be jealous, you know that I'm only yours right?" Jaehyun cooed.

"I swear I'm about to puke right now, please stop this cheesy lines I have enough of it in K-dramas! I can't stand this anymore." Ten scrunched his face in disgust while a hint of teasing visible in his eyes while Jaehyun pouted at what he said.

Meanwhile, Doyoung is hiding his flushed face behind Ten which is useless anyway because you know Ten is short.

"Doyoung-ah, how can you be shy like this? Few minutes earlier, you were shouting loudly that this man is yours." Ten laughed making Doyoung glare once again only to make Jaehyun and Ten laugh even more because of his cuteness, looking like an mad bunny, how cute is that.

"Shut up! I won't treat you lunch later." Doyoung warned and stuck his tongue out and proceeded to the hallway while the two are running after him.

"Doyoungieeee~ these things can be settled right, you love us right?~ You know that I love you so much and you will treat us lunch right?"
Ten flashed his aegyo with matching pleading eyes so that he can convince Doyoung to treat them lunch. He even backhugged him making the irritated boy sigh, while Jaehyun joined the hug.

"Oh yeah, you love me but not as much you love Lee--" The boy was interrupted by the Thai boy's hand covering his mouth.

"Shhhh someone might hear us, we're in the hallways for Pete's sake Doyoung!" Ten warned.

"He's right hyung, we're doomed if Tae---" He is interrupted once again but this time it's Jaehyun who got the slip of the tongue.

"Come on! Please don't ever talk about it again!" Ten snapped while mentally facepalming to himself wondering why the topic went to him.

"I'm sorry hyung but you know it's true, you love him so much that it pains you enough to try to forget him. It's actually useless too because he is here." Jaehyun stated one last time then eyed Doyoung, making the latter nod in agreement.

"And so if I love him? This will fade away soon. Just stop now, will you?" Ten was clearly irritated and continued to walk, heading to their classroom leaving the lovers behind, while the two just sighed thinking that they went too far.

That's what happens if you mention him in your conversation. Well, the two would probably find a way to cheer up Ten sooner.

A/N: Hey guys! The first chapter is up. I'm sorry if it is lame, but I hope you guys would still support it~ I will try to update soon. Thank youuu! FIGHTING HAEYADWAEEEEE!^^

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