‘good news, we’re from Argentina will be fly to Brazil next week, I missed you!! xx

I ignored her messages, I’m gonna call her later after I read the others messages.

Alli’s message.

‘I’ve heard bad news about you got fight with Neymar because my stupid brother, how are you right now? I’m so sorry for my stupid brother bothering you both’

she texted me like that then I replied her.

‘I’m on Brazil right now and I will try to work it out with him tonight , hope I can make it better.xx

Marc’s message.

‘Spain National Team will be fly to the Brazil next week and I will be there on the first Spain match that will be held on second day of World Cup. I’ll catch you there! Miss you Barbie,xx

He didn’t know about my fight, if I told him he will be mad at me so I ignored his messages.

Cody’s message

‘Sorry, I’m not aiming to make you both fight, I just missed you really. Please tell Neymar my apologize to him, I just want to be your bestfriend like we used to be at least.’

I’m ignoring this one though , I’m going to Anto’s number and calling her.

“Clara,How are you?” she answering my phone and asked me directly.

“it hasn’t better yet, I’m staying on Oscar’s house. He told me that we will meet Neymar tonight” I’m sitting on the bed and playing my fingers to the pillow beside me, it must be Neymar’s hair I played with like we used to be.

“take a rest Clara, I know you’re tired, I could feel by your voice. Take it calm, fix it with him tonight and make it all clear, say what you want to say to him but don’t hurt him again, apologize to him, I hope I could be there for you right now , I just wanted to hug you right now” I leaned my body to the bed’s head.

“sorry I was made you upset for my stupid action last night , promise me I will make it clear tonight , just give me the best though. I missed you sis”

“ I missed you too sista, Daddy,Mommy,Paula,Leo’s Parents and the whole another family will be fly to Brazil next week,see you next week, please tell me whatever happens on there”

“yes captain! I’m gonna sleep,my eyes is so heavy since I didn’t get sleep on the plane, love you Anto”

“love you too baby sis” I hang off and put my phone on the lamp table beside my bed then I’m going to sleep.

On 7 p.m I felt someone shake my body and wake me up.

“Clara go get ready, we’re going to meet Neymar” I heard Oscar’s voice as I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.

I nodded then heading to the bathroom to wash my face and then go get shower.

I’m taking out my tshirt, jeans trousers and Neymar’s jeans jacket, lastly I took my blue vans on. I’m getting out from the guest room and saw Oscar already ready to take me see Neymar.

He was on his adidas tshirt, jeans trousers, and adidas shoes, he look swaggy though in his snapback on.

I jumped to his car and sitting on the passenger’s seat.

“where will you gonna take me to see him?” I asked him and tied my shoes.

“first let us try to his house” I just nodded following where he will gonna drive me.

Loving and Loved ( Neymar Jr. )Where stories live. Discover now