Part 6 (start of season 2)

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So guys I haven't updated this story since like 4 months ago or something  or maybe like 8 idk. But don't judge meh if I'm not that good that much since I'm not really into Minecraft anymore. I know what your thinking, why are u still doing da story den? Well bc I wanna finish it 4 chu guys!! No need to thank me. Ok I'll shut up now!!

It had been some years or so and now The monsters were in high school and not in Jr high anymore. Creeper and Cg (creeper girl) were dating and in a unbreakable relationship. It was the 2nd day of high school and creeper new where his dorm was and (most of) his classes. But you don't need to worry about classes because they have a schedule for classes. Creeper entered the high school building.
He decided after school he would go to his dorm and decorate it a bit. Creeper looked at his class schedule and class A3 was first. Class A3 had rumors. There were rumors that every now and then you would hear a little girl chucking and the sound was coming from room A3.
But creeper never believed the rumors. Bullies past by creeper. They pushed him down. "Ugly" Enderman said.
Creeper sighed as he picked up his books. A tap on his shoulder was felt. And he looked to find Another creeper. It was a girl too. But she looked more.. beautiful. She had brown long hair that went to her waist,
And her eyes were sparkling and blue. She even had a beautiful flower crown on and a shirt.
The shirt said : im as single as a Pringle
Creeper smiled. "Uh hi?" He said. "Hello, my name is Ann. I just moved here and I saw you on the ground. Bullies huh? It's okay, I'll help you up" Ann held her hand out.
Creeper blushed and smiled. He held her hand and got up. Ann took his books and handed them to him.
"Thank you Ann, I'm creeper" he says still having a slight blush on his face. "No need to thank me" Ann kissed creeper on the cheek. "Ur I have a gf" he says. "Break up with her and have me" Ann said. She kissed creeper and creeper doesn't wanna let go.
But he does for air. "That.. was....." Creeper says speechless.
"I need to go to class." Ann says. "I have class A3, I love u" Ann finished. Creeper goes and follows her. Then when Ann notices him, before Ann could speak creeper did.
"I have class A3 too..." He said. "Oh that explains it" Ann smirked and kisses him on da cheek again. "Follow me" Ann says

Creeper Love (Creeper girl x Creeper)Where stories live. Discover now