ch 3: meet the heroes!...and the villain?

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Max's POV:
Henry's pulling me to go faster. He's actually very fast and quite strong for his age. I'm 3 years older than him and he already has a job? Even I don't have a job, except causing chaos and destruction and pranking people in school if that even counts... I didn't even notice that Henry was pulling harder and faster, much faster. "Wow you're faster then the last time I saw you!" I said. "Ummm...yeah...uhhh...I've been...working out?" he said more confused then me. I was just about to say something when he cut me off. ,,We're here!" he yelled entering the small shop with junk...'n' stuff...

Henry's POV:
We entered junk 'n' stuff, I'm so excited. I hope he didn't get suspicious about my SFR (Super Fast Reflexes). He can't know...Ray wouldn't forgive me so easily. At the counter Jasper and Charlotte were talking about something. ,,Hey guys, look who came back to visit!" I said moving aside. ,,OMG, MAX!" they said in unison. We all hugged then Ray came up and said ,,Hey kids, why are you hugging?" We unhugged. ,,Max took a step in front as me and I said ,,Ray meet my childhood best friend and still best friend Max Thunderman!". Max put his hand in front of himself for Ray to shake it, but they didn't. Ray just looked at him surprised and said ,,Hey Char, Jasp take the rest of the day off, Henry can I talk to you for a sec?" He looked a bit mad. Why? Jasper and Charlotte left. I came aside. I could see that Max felt awkward pushing his hand back. I said ,,Dude, why didn't you shake his hand?" He didn't say anything he pulled me to the back and started chewing gum. ,,What are you doing?" I asked. ,,What has to be done!" he answered. I'm confused. ,,You're gonna expose us!" I shouted quietly. ,,You already did!" he yelled at me. ,,What?! Did I miss something!?" He went back dressed as captain man. ,,Ok Max you're going to jail." he said. I was shocked. I SFR-d in their way. Max was terrified. ,,Ray what are you doing?!" I said ,,I would also like to know!" Max continued. ,,Wait you're captain man?! Does that mean..." he looked at me shocked, but smiled. ,,My best friend is kid danger!" he connected the dots. ,,Wait, he didn't know?!" asked Ray. ,,No, to late now!" I shouted. ,,What are you even doing?!" I continued. ,,Kid you may know him as your best friend, but actually..." Max punched him. ,,No don't!" Max shouted. I didn't know what was happening anymore. ,,...He's a villain!" he said in pain. ,,I'm Ok!" I heard him continue. Max looked shocked. ,,I'm indestructible kid..." he said to Max. Ray went to grab him, but I came in his way facing Max. ,,You're...You're...a villain?" I barely said. My heart broke apart. ,,Hey I didn't know you're secret either?!" he had a point. ,,Yeah, but I'M NOT A VILLAIN?!" I shouted. Ray probably felt awkward. We all did...

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