"I'm trying to develop a novel as well. It's been difficult lately with dating and all," she sighed nervously, "Oh, another random fact. Indie rock?"

Aiolos perked up, "Uh yeah, I love Arctic Moonshine."

"Me too! Um- I mean yes. I like them too." Fiona hid her face in her menu, "I don't act up tight do I?"

"Oh you are such a wet towel," Aiolos said. Fiona's face fell, and he broke out in laughter, "I'm joking. You're cute when you get flustered."

Fiona blushed, "Don't ever do that again."

They ordered their food and continued to talk over books and music. They even seemed to like the same shows. Fiona would reference a line from her favorite show, and they both would end up snorting. She felt comfortable to talk to him.

"He's better than any of my past dates. I think this is going to work out." She thought.

The waiter came over with their orders. "Nymph mixer," the waiter said passing a bowl over to Aiolos, "and a cheese dragon tail for the lady."

"Yum!" Fiona instantly started to eat. Aiolos watched her as she took huge bites of it.

She covered her mouth with embarrassment, "Aren't you going to eat?"

He suddenly paled, "Uh, right." He started to pick at his food and took a few bites.

"You don't like it?" Fiona asked.

"I just realized I'm allergic to tomatoes. Why did I order this?" He laughed nervously.

"What? We have to tell the waiter now! Spit your food out!"

"No, I'm fine!"

"You might die! Why did you eat it?" Fiona reached over the table knocking over Aiolos' water. The glass spilled all over his arm, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry."

Aiolos jumped back, "I have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll help you clean up!" Fiona suggested, but he ran off towards the bathroom. She slumped down in her seat, "I'm such a screw up."

Fiona got down on her knees and started cleaning. After the mess was gone, she waited for him to return. Ten minutes passed, and Aiolos was still gone. "He didn't ditch me, right?"

She looked towards the doors, "I think I'm going to the bathroom too."


Aiolos paced back and forth, "It's been ten minutes! Why can't I fully transform yet? Come on, she's going to think I'm taking a shit. Clayton you idiot!"

His right arm changed back and forth from a mud brown to Aiolos' pale skin. He started to panic and morphed into different hues. His arm twitched to a purple, then a green, and back to brown. "This can't be happening. Not when I had the perfect person."

Suddenly there was a banging from the door, "Aiolos! Are you okay?"

He began to sweat, "Yeah, I'm just taking a shit."

There was a pause, "Oh."

He drew a long sigh.

"For ten minutes? Are you sure you are okay? I think you should go home."

Go home! This date was a mess. I can't go home until I'm sure I have a second chance! He thought.

"I'll be out in a minute." He looked frantically around. Grabbing a bunch of toilet paper, he wrapped it around his exposed arm. Then he slung his coat over it.

The bathroom door opened, and Fiona let him through. "We can cancel the date, Aiolos."

"No! I mean, it was just water."

"What about the tomatoes?"

"What about them?" He said clinging to his coat."

Fiona looked down at his arm, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I promise. Let's go finish."

"Show me your arm." Fiona pulled the coat off. She teared the toilet paper off to reveal the brown skin, "Oh my gods! You're having an allergic reaction! We have to get you to a hospital." She started to push him towards the door.

"No, wait!" He turned back around to face her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Fiona listen! It isn't an allergic reaction."

"You changed colors!" She yelled.

"I'm a shape-shifter. That is my real skin color."

Fiona blinked, "What?"

His body started to change. His black hair lightened to a brown. His eyes softened to a light brown. Soon his entire body was brown. Fiona stood there in shock. He smiled sheepishly, "Fiona I've known you for a while. Ever since Pele started to talk about you at work. I've tried to get to know you. I started to look for your type, and that wasn't me. I changed multiple times for you."

"You mean I've been dating you that whole time," her voice cracked.

"Yes. I just wanted to be the perfect guy for you. I didn't mean to-"

"I can't believe you'd do that. All this time I thought there was something wrong with me! I thought that I attracted weirdos, but you were the one stalker keeping me away from meeting other people." She stormed out the restaurant.

Clayton quickly paid and ran after her.

"Pele come pick me up, fast!" Fiona yelled into a call.

He ran up to her, "Fiona listen."

"Don't touch me you creep." She pepper sprayed him to the ground.

Pele ran up to them, "Fiona stop!"

"He's a creep!"

Pele laughed, "The hell? Clayton, I thought we agreed to tell her that I've been trying to hook you up with her. Why didn't you show up as yourself, you idiot!"

"I hate the both of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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