chapter 1: a great encounter

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I was standing in front of my dressing room, there was a fight in my head. Choose fancy cloths or regular close, I finally picks some cloths I prepared the yesterday night. Not colored, a black and with costume my mom bought me some months ago for my first day at my high school. I opened my bag and put in it my books and my pencils case. I walked until the ground floor and I hugged my mom and dad, my mom prepared the breakfast and my sister smiled at me, cecily is younger than me and she already finished her studs in college and she will join me in high school now, 2 years ago I left school because I wasn't strong enough for ignore people's who bullied me in college, now I'm feel ready for take my future in my hands.

How are you Tommy ? — she asked me with a ton worries
I'm feel better, I'm just a little bit ... preocupate! — I cannot lie to her.
Everything gonna be okey ! I'll be there for you!
Thanks you, you shouldn't because don't wast your time with me. I can take care of myself now.

She didn't respond and I take a split of my orange juice, I checked the journal and I see so many thing about the rolling stone. Here a big smile taken my whole face, my mom was curious to know what I smiled at.

What your readed sweetheart, it's seem a good new?
The rolling stones is back in our town!
Oh... I'd love to let you go for see them, but with your study and your tennis lesson. You shouldn't distracts your mind.
Okey mom, I need to take my bus or I'll be late. Bye

I kissed his cheek and say bye to my dad, cecily joined me beside me in the bus and we spend the road together. There was a man in the bus with long curly black hair and he weared a black jacket. He seem so rock n roll, I smiled and I put my walkman on my ears. I listening to the Beatles until we was in front of the high school. My sister shook my arm for warning me it's was the stop.

Hold on, hold on!
We will be late, move your ass...
Watch your language ...

We walked in those huge alley and I find out my locker, I tried so bad to remember the password and a man asked me some help.

Sorry, I can't find my locker, its the numero 167.
It's this one, just beside mine...
Thanks you, I'm brad
Nice to meet you, I'm Thomas...

He smiled real fine and I finally opened my locker and I recuperate some stuffs.

Don't forget your uniform
Oh ... yeah, thanks I didn't see it.
No problem, what your class?
I don't know, how can I find them?
Follow me, I'll show you
Thanks you Thomas

We went in the hall and on a big screen we could find our class's, I find out my class and him too and we're in the same one. I smiled and him too.

We're in the same one, that's good.
Yeah and could I stay with you ?
Of course! You seem young for being in high school?
Mhm.. yeah, I jump some class in college.
You're a highly gifted?
I prefer to consider myself as a hard worker.

He smiled at me and I do, we walked until a big room full of teenagers and we see a dude singing a song I never hear. I had my eyes full of stars and I couldn't held myself. Its was amazing! Because there a choral in the high school.

What was that?

He approached of us and he told me something I didn't take in a good way, maybe because he was arrogant.

It's talents! Who are you tall dude?
It's Thomas and I'm Bradley !
I don't care about you, he can introduce himself?
I don't care too, follow me brad...

I take his arms and go way from him, I was so angry and brad stoped me.

Don't be angry Tom, he seem nice right?
You're sure , you're a highly gifted ?

I see in his eyes he seem vexed by my sentence, I put my hand on his shoulder.

I'm sorry, you're ... You're a bit like me when I was in college.
Maybe, but you seem way cool than me for being honest.
You're too, we should find our class okey?
Yes, but we're they are?
We will find them, trust me

We walked in this huge hall and a professor ask us, if we were lost.

Are you lost your class boys?
Yes, I don't know we're they're sir. Sorry could you help us? — brad take advance and ask him

I was standing beside him, the professor helped us and brad took my hand in his and I followed him. He was so tiny and I started being amused by his heigh. He looked at me and ask me why I'm laughing. I started being embarrassed.

Why are you laughing? You're sure you are okay?
Yeah, I remind me the dude who tired to impress us !
Oh, there our class...

Brad looked so shy and he didn't opened the door, I did it for him and he walked behind me shyly and the professor told us to sit at a table. Brad was sit and I joined him. He take off his bag and I sat.

Your welcome

Some hours after, the ring sounded suddenly and we left the school. I saw brad crossed the road and cecily hit my back.

Hey brother, we should up in the bus! Come on...
Yeah, I'll be back in a seconds...

I run until him and he eared me, he turned his face for being in front of mine.

Yeah it's me again, euh ... I was asking myself
I'd love to spend more time with you tomorrow ?
Oh... yeah of course!
Yep, see ya tomorrow!

I runed for take my bus, I thanked the driver and join her at sit, she looked confused. I being so quite until we arrived. We get out the bus and approaches our home, our mom was standing in the garden and she take care of her beautiful roses. I smiled at her and her too. Her and cecily and I, went to the kitchen for ate something. Daddy wasn't at home for the week. He's a air force soldier, I remind me how much I hate his job, we couldn't see him much.

[let me know what you thinking about the first chapter, send me positive vibes and constructive critiques. Thanks you! It's mean much to me, I see those fanfictions as therapy and practice for learn and try to improve my English.]

note: it's inspired from real things, tom dad was in army air force and his sister is really called cecily in real life and Joe and him know each other since high school. Oh .. I forget to mentioned Tom loved playing tennis in high school and he study in a school for being actor he was in a drama club, it's still his dream if he wasn't an bassist. He'd love to being actor. 😊

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