Diary entry ( 4/6 - 9/6 ) by Peter Parker

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Day 1 - Saturday 4th June

Today Aunt May left for Hawaii, and I she was dropped off in a fancy car to the airport by Happy, Tony and I, but Tony stayed in the car whilst Happy and I said goodbye to her at the departure gate. Tony said he didn't want to attract too much attention to himself and May. I got home with Tony and Happy and unpacked everything. Then for lunch we went out to a posh restaurant, and Tony told me the plan for the week. He had a couple of meetings that Friday couldn't cancel that were supposed to be on Thursday, but had moved them to Wednesday (confusing, I know) because they were going to go out on Thursday to a fancy restaurant downtown, which was also the night May would come back. I finished all my homework for the holiday except physics, which I will finish tomorrow. Tony worked in his lab all day, but we had a "family" dinner with him, Pepper and I. I spidermanned a bit at 10:40, but got home quick as my curfew is 11:00. Now I am going to sleep, and can hear Pepper and Tony talking downstairs. Goodnight.

Day 2- Sunday 5th June

I woke up wondering where I was this morning, and got really excited because IM AT THE FREAKING AVENGERS HQ!!!! I am also really excited because the Avengers are coming here TOMORROW! I wonder if Cap still remembers me, and how I stole his shield, and I hope everyone is friends again. Ant man seemed really cool, and I can't wait to hang out with everyone! Anyways, I got dressed and went downstairs and Tony had made waffles for me, which was really cool, even though Pepper said she did most of it as he would have burnt the house down. They were delicious, and then Tony helped me with my physics homework. It was cool spending time with him, he's like my temporary guardian, and like a father. It's so cool! Then Pepper came downstairs to his lab and said it was 4:00 and I needed to eat something, as well as Tony. We had been working for 7 hours! It felt quite short though, after all, time flies when you're having fun. Tony and I watched a film, and then he surprised me with takeout pizza. It was fun, and we talked in between bites. And here's a secret, Tony Stark, yes THE Tony Stark, actually has emotions. It's funny because he tries to bury his feelings away from everyone, but I can read through him, and he seems cool. Anyways, it's 12:34 right now and I can't sleep. Tony is in his lab still and has been since dinner, and will probably be there in the morning as well. Goodnight.

Day 3- Monday 6th June

I guessed it. I woke up early at 5 am to finish the last part of my revision when I went to see Tony. He was sleeping so peacefully with his head on his hands, that were resting on the worktop, and all his tools were still around him, and he was even holding one. I quickly snapped a picture for my own good, and then went upstairs to get some toast. I was extremely excited as the Avengers were coming round. He passed the time playing on his phone, and then slowly the house began to wake up, first with Pepper, walking through the kitchen, grabbing the rest of the toast I hadn't eaten, then positioned herself at the dining room table with her laptop and a notepad, and began working. I worked on the homework until Tony came into the kitchen, in his clothes from the day before. He brewed a coffee and told me to go upstairs. I heard some shouting from the kitchen, about Tony not sleeping enough, but it was a short argument as Pepper gave up quickly. I changed and a got ready for the arrival of the avengers. At 3:00 the avengers came over and it was so cool! I talked to all of them, and they were all so amazing. Steve even remembered how I stole his shield! I spent the rest of the day lounging around and talking to Ned over the phone.

Tuesday 7th June

Today Ned came over and we spent the most of the afternoon talking, well him rapidly asking him questions and me answering them. Hold on- let me start from he beginning. I woke up late and dressed slowly. Then quickly tidied my room. Ned arrived, and got straight into the questions, anything from what shade of blue were Steve's eyes to what he ate. We had spaghetti bolognese for lunch, and then we watched Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back in the screening room. Then at 6:00 he left and I had dinner, which was chicken. I watched another movie afterwards, then spidermanned until 11:00, and now here I am. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 8th June

Tony had a few meetings today, so it was just Pepper and me. I woke up early for no particular reason, and had nothing to do, so I went out as Spider-Man. I stopped 2 robbers stealing a lady's handbag, and got a cat down from a tree. Then when I got home, (which was at 7:30 btw) I intended on not doing anything for the rest of the day, and prepared for holiday boredom for the rest of the day, but I was happily surprised when Pepper asked if I wanted to go out to town and do a little back to school shopping. We left at 10:00, which gave me 2 and a half hours to do what I wanted, so I researched one of the elements on the periodic table. I play this game every time I get bored, and it's when I choose an element at random, and then I research it (this time a got lithium). Then I showered and dressed, and then we left the house. We bought some stationery, a few tshirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes and ate lunch at a French-themed lunch. It was fun, and we got back at 3:00 (shopping time goes really fast). Then I carried on researching whilst Pepper worked, and at 6:00 Tony came home. We ate dinner, and then I went out as Spider-Man once more. And once again here I am. Goodnight.

Thursday 9th June

Today I woke up quite late, as I had a very long day yesterday. I ate breakfast for the last time with Tony and Pepper, which was fried eggs, toast, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes. It was delicious! Then I packed most of my things up, excluding my Spider-Man suit and some essentials. Then Tony took me out for lunch as promised. I told him about my Spider-Man adventures recently and he reminded me to stay safe. He asked and I told him about school, and the rest of lunch followed a similar conversation. Btw, I had prawns as starters, then had multiple mains, which made the waiter question whether I was ok, and whether Tony was starving me, to which I answered yes and no. Then I had a creme brûlée for pudding, and once the bill came (along with the waiter with a concerned face), Tony refused to let me see it. I guess I racked up a pretty high bill. Oops. Damn my spider metabolism. Then once we got home at 3:00, I went out as Spider-Man for 2 hours, then I said goodbye to Pepper, as she was going off to a meeting, and we were about to start the drive to the airport with Happy. We drove for an hour, and then we waited there until May spotted us when she was leaving. Happy drove us home, and I said bye to Tony (he needs to make it more obvious when he opens the door for me instead of hugging me). Then I unpacked and as it was quite late, I had a quick dinner and then went to bed. And that is the end if my diary. Goodbye for now

Peter Parker 🕷🕸

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