Skales: It sayss nothing about where the four Fangbladesss are hidden. Have our ancestorss left usss nothing? Where are they? 

Pythor: This, here. This must be a clue. 

They head towards a rounded table with ancient writings.

Pythor: When five fangs unite as one, the path towards the Devourer has begun. 

Skales: Yess, when the five tribesss unite. We've done all thiss. It meansss nothing. If you don't find out ssoon, the othersss will begin to assk questionss, and sssoon they will sstart to think you don't know what you are doing. 

Pythor: I know what I'm doing, fool. I'm trying to unleash the Great Devourer. Legend spoke of a map showing exactly where the four Fangblades have been buried. There must be something around here. Keep looking.


(Y/N)'s POV

We were hanging up missing posters for Fangblades. I overheard the Ninja talk about it but why do they need them? Must have something to do with Pythor and the Great Devourer. 

Zane: Oh, this is silly. 

Cole: You have any better ideas?

Jay: Hey, maybe sensei is gonna go get the Samurai to help. 

Nya looked at Kai worried, which made Kai more nervous.

Kai: The Samurai? I'm sure she's--I mean he's busy looking for the Fangblades as well. 

Cole:Uh, is everything all right?

Kai: Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?

Nya: One hundred percent. We're not hiding anything.

I went over Zane and grabbed a poster. I began to put it up when I glance at Zane. He looked as it he was in a daze. He dropped some by the wind, which the store owner saw and got irritated.

Store owner: Hey, weirdo. 

The man touched Zane but it didn't take him out of his trance. 

Store owner: You're making a mess of my store front. Yoo-hoo! You got a problem? Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners. 

I walked up towards him when Zane suddenly drops them all.

Me: I am sorry, mister. I'll pick these up for you. Pardon my friend, he's sometimes in another world. I ask that you are not mean to him, please.

The store owner nods, walking back into his store. The Ninja ran over and helped me pick up the posters.

Jay: Zane, what's the deal?

Zane points at a falcon in the sky.

Jay: Ah! It's the falcon! Oh, my gosh. Every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune. 

Kai: You two. Head to the Bounty and wait till you hear from us. 

Kai looked at Nya and I.

Nya: But where are you going?

Kai: We're gonna follow the bird. Who knows, it could lead us to the first Fangblade. 

Nya sighs, smacking her hand to her face.

Nya: I guess it's just me and you today. Heh-heh.

I looked at her unimpressed and walked towards the Bounty. I heard Nya mumble behind me.

Nya: This is gonna be a long day.

I was ahead of her so she had to run to catch up.

Nya: So.....

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