2: A new start

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(Spencers' POV)

"They'll be here in a few hours. You'll share a room till hers is done"my mom got married to some guy I'm happy, she happy I really like Aaron he's really nice. Apparently her has a daughter I've never met her, but if she thinks she gonna come her and take over she got another thing coming this is my house well our whatever. I hope she not one of those bitch self-centered, the world revolves around me type.

"Are you listening to me."my mom says throwing a pillow at me. We're cleaning before Aaron and Alexa I think my mom said her name was get here "to new house". We moved right before summer brake well me and my mom Alexa stayed to have more time with her friends and we weren't really sure what she likes or wanted here room to look like. Aaron spent the summer on a business trips he wasn't much help.

"When the get here be nice"my mom says who does she take me for?

"who do you take me for? What I'm I the seed of Chucky I'm always nice." I say with a cheeky smile. We both take a seat on the love seat and she wraps her arms around me and I rest my head on her chest we interlock I our fingers while she placed light kiss on my forehead.

"I know all this is a lot. With us eloping. And you having to adjust to new surroundings and sharing a house with someone you never meeting I'm really sorr....." Squeezing her waist with my hand that's around her I stopped her from finishing her sentence.

"Don't be sorry......for anything you found love some people wait there entire life time for that or something remotely close to it and never find it you have it, your happy, I'm happy for you I like Aaron and he seem to make you happy. No guy has ever put a smile on your face the way he does not even dad. And if I ever find that I'll never let that person go." In all honesty I really I'm happy for my mom. She's awesome she deserves love,happiness and all that good stuff especially after what my dad put her through.


"Mom,dad I'm home." no answer that's weird "hellooooo anybody home mom dad?" I got home early now I'm starting to worry both cars are here. I started to Climb the stairs as I got feather up the steps I heard yelling.

"Who the Fuck do you think you are you must off lost your damn mind." My dads raising his voice and swearing that was something I've never seen him do usual. I gift closer too the door

" I've lost my mind how do you plan on telling our daughter that her daddy's not around because he's playing house with another kid or that her dads a no good cheating dog. Fuck you I'm taking my daughter I don't need this you could keep your whore don't loo......" Moms sentence was cut short the sight of his hands slapping her across face over and over again. I closed my eyes tight not believing what I was seeing tears threaten to leave my eyes while he's kicking her in her stomach. He wrapped his hand around her neck lifting her off the ground slightly as blood spilled out of her mouth and nose.

"Know your place bitch. You belong to me I own your ass you get that your not just my wife your my property. You disgust me clean your self up you look a dirty nasty hot mess. You and my daughter better be here when I get back with dinner cooked understood."she nodded her head trying too claw his hands away from her neck whilst gasping for air. He released her letting her fall to the floor with a thump and turned to leave. I quickly hide in the hallway closet and rolled my self into a ball letting my tears soak through my jeans and my thoughts consume me. What the hell is happening, how long had my father been hurting my mom and why didn't I know or see any signs. Is my dad cheating on mom. What does this mean for our family. What if he gets tired of beating on her and comes for me next of if he beats her so bad that he kills her. All these questions just made me cry a little more. I listen close for the sound of his car getting ready to leave I ran to a close by window to make sure he was gone. I ran in there room where my mom sat crying. She looked up shocked clearly on her face.

"What... When. Your home early. Why are you home? Want a snack or something" Is she going to pretend like none of that just happen. I just stated at her still unable to comprehend what's happening I've never seen my dad act like that before.

" Are you OK." I sat opposite to her with a damp cloth try to clean her face up blood was everywhere. Her once pale face now black and blue with bruises and red with blood. Wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her close to me I sit her between my legs kissing he cheek and nuzzles my face in her neck.

" We gotta go we're not gonna stay here. I thank you should get change left go to a hotel or something. I not going to let him hurt you anymore." I wrapped both arms around her. We stayed that way for a minute while she cried.

" We don't have any money" she said getting up and sat on the bed.

" Don't worry I know we're dads debit cards are, we'll just go to the bank show them your ID tell them you forgot your account pass word an empty the account then leave." She look at me with a shock look.

"Who are you and why do you know so much.

Its been a month since mom and I left dad we've been staying with my grandparent.

" Sara you stupid bitch open the door. Did you really think you would get away with this taking my daughter and my money. Bitch you got another thing coming." Grandma and I were in the kitchen baking cookie and cake for desert after dinner when we heard screaming coming from the living room. We ran in to see my dad with a huge smirk on his face he look drunk blood shot eyes and he could be barely stand straight.

"You know bitch it took me a while to figure it out but it came to me the only reason you parent abandon you was because you love me and the fact that your a worthless piece of shit. Now what your going to do is pack up yo shit and my daughter then we're going home."

" John I think it time you get going there staying here with us." Grandma said grandpa left for a golf game. They never like dad he wasn't the type of man anyone wanted there baby girl to meet let alone marry he was what they called bad news thick long black hair tattoos up and down his arm. Mom said she fell for his charm and it didn't hurt that he was good looking sweet talking Italian either.

"Shut the Fuck up old lady. This is between m me and my family."

" They're not going any were with you." Grandma replied he step towards her she pulled me behind her with one hand he pushed her out of the way and into the wall were she fell then his eyes met mine.

" You ready to come home with daddy" he ask me his breath reeked of alcohol.

" I'm staying with grandma and grandpa so is mom you don't deser..." The back of his hand met with my face. Then his feet with my stomach. The next thing I saw was mom charging towards him hitting him over the head with some over and over. The cops came and arrested my dad for child endangerment, assault, braking and entering and domestic violence. Later we found out that he had another woman living in our house who had two of his kids ages 2 and 3 with another on the way. That was the last time I heard from or saw my dad.

********Flashback over ********

We cuddle on the couch until we heard a car pulled up. Time to start our new lives together.

******** Authors Notes *********

I should have done this in the first chapter. This is my first story not what I wanted to write about but the idea and story lines keep coming to me. And I wasn't sure if people were going to read or even like is so I was a bit apprehensive about posting it . I hope you guys enjoy it vote comment and follow let me know how you feel. Please no rude comment.


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