"A billion and a half," Rumlow replied, looking Raven up and down.

"Eyes up here, Rumlow," She said, gesturing to her face. He smirked and chuckled, causing Steve's face to scrunch up in disgust. He hated to see Rumlow treat a woman like a piece of meat, especially since Raven was one of his closest friends.

"Why so steep?" Steve asked with a slight glare towards Rumlow.

"Because it's SHIELD's," Rumlow said. Raven sighed and ran a hand down her face as she prepared for her mission mentally.

"So it's not off-course, it's trespassing," Steve said with an annoyed tone. Natasha walked up beside them and Raven winked at her. Natasha rolled her eyes, but the hint of a smile was on her lips. Raven was always playfully flirting with her. Natasha didn't mind since it all started with a joke from her.

Raven had been extremely drunk, which was odd since the woman handled her liquor very well, and would not stop flirting with everybody. When she found Natasha, she flirted endlessly until she passed out and Natasha had to take her home. In the morning, Raven woke up to Natasha in the kitchen wearing one of her tee shirts making coffee and raiding the cabinets for Advil. Raven was thoroughly confused and thought she slept with Natasha, but admitted she didn't mind because Natasha was hot. Natasha then spread a rumor that Raven had a thing for her and Raven just played along. She didn't care what others thought, and she thought Natasha was beautiful. The two of them were best friends, but neither admitted it out of pride. They didn't want people thinking they were weak. It was a stupid reason, but they believed it.

"I'm sure they have a good reason," Natasha tried to reassure Steve.

"I'm tired of being Fury's janitor," Steve remarked. Raven rolled her eyes, annoyed at how many times she had heard that sentence.

"Relax, it's not that complicated," Raven told Steve. He gave out a sigh and glanced at her before walking away. Raven and Natasha shared a look before the latter turned back.

The team pulled out their weapons and engaged on the mission. [Note: That this wont be completely accurate because it's been a while alrighty]

"Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Bactroc. Nat, Raven, you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep the aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get them out. Let's move," He commanded. Diana pulled out her gun and checked the clip before cocking it.

Diana and Natasha stood next to each other.

"Secure channel seven," Steve said into his comm. Natasha responded, "Channel scene secure."

"So, you guys do anything fun Saturday night?" Raven asked as she fixed her uniform.

"Not really," Natasha said, fixing her own.

"Well, all the guys from my barber shop quartet are dead so, no not really," Steve replied.

"Coming by the drop-off zone, Cap," The pilot announced.

"You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'll probably say yes," Natasha told him. Steve scoffed, "That's why I don't ask."

"Too why or too scared?" Diana asked, completely curious.

"Too busy." Steve jumped from the jet. Rumlow walked up behind the two girls with another STRIKE team member.

"Was he wearing a parachute?" The unknown man asked. Rumlow shook his head. "Nope."

After waiting for confirmation from Steve, Rumlow dropped down onto the deck with Raven and Natasha following. Steve, Natasha, and Raven all ran side by side as they headed towards their destinations.

"What about the nurse form down the hall? She seems nice enough," Raven asked Steve. She could practically hear his eyes roll as they three split paths; Natasha and Raven going the same way.

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date," Steve told the two girls. Natasha and Raven slid under the railing as Natasha said, "We're multitasking." The two girls split up and cover different grounds of the engine room. Raven hit one on the back of the head with her gun while another turned around and threw punch at her. She quickly dodged and threw one of her own. The brunette was too fast for him to move and it hit him in the nose. Diana took this moment to send a kick to his abdomen before finally knocking him out with the butt of her gun. Natasha dropped down next to her and said into her comm, "Engine room Secure." She looked over at Raven who nodded and the two left the room.

"Natasha, Raven, Botroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages," Steve told them through the comms. Raven turned off her comm and looked at Natasha, "Go, I got Rumlow." She turned her earpiece back on and went back to Rumlow.

"Where the hell is Natasha?" Rumlow asked as they got the hostages to a safer area.

"Fixing her shirt from our make out session," Raven sarcastically replied. "I'd like to have seen that." Raven's face contorted into disgust as she ushered the hostages off the ship. The two started to get shot out so Raven immediately pushed the hostages out of the way. She pulled out her gun and shot the pirates down. A bullet grazed Raven's arm and she cursed loudly.

"Guys! Raven needs medical attention!" Rumlow yelled into his earpiece. Raven shook her head as her stubbornness rose to the surge and rushed the last hostage off the ship.

"I'm fine, Rumlow. Let's just get the hell out of here."


Boring, predictable, introductory.

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