Cinder Soulmates

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Soulmate!Tony and Soulmate!Steve

Starting at age 18, every person is given a 'prophecy' for their future. Some are destined to be warriors, others mothers. But, there is one rule. If you do not allow your prophecy to be fulfilled, you will be sentenced to a place of nowhere.

Tony wasn't as giddy as all of the other teenagers to get his prophecy. Some were obviously destined to become great scientists like Bruce or warriors that worked undercover for the city. Clint was sure he was going to be a warrior, but it was yet to be seen.

The worst destiny, it Tony's eyes, was to become a soulmate. They were rare. There hasn't been a pair of soulmates in nearly 100 years, but it was still a possibility. Unless the 2 mates are close friends, soulmates were destined to meet their lover in the city almost immediately after the Prophets announced the destinies of every apprentice. Tony found love boring and overrated, considering his parents met through riches and showed him only loneliness and aggression.

"Come, citizens of Cinder!" cried a Prophet from the middle of town's square. Everyone crowded closely together to here the news. Well, not everyone. Mothers and children stayed in their dwellings, while men and apprentices huddled around the man announcing their destinies. Bruce squeezed Tony's arm until it was blue, out of anxiety.

"Sorry," he murmured, releasing his monster grip on Tony's arm. Tony massaged the bruises littered on his skin, and directed his attention to the front of the crowd.

Tony wasn't all that interested in the prophecies of his classmates. Maria Hill, a badass girl, was destined to be a warrior to the city. Thor Odinson received 'master chef' (no one was sure how. Prophets can be...creative sometimes). Thor seemed extremely excited, particularly because he thought he could learn to cook pop-tarts.

There were guys patting him on the back and laughing hysterically around him. Sam Wilson, James 'Bucky' Barnes, and Steve Rogers. Tony was determined to guess their destinies on the spot. Sam seemed like he could become a mine worker, seeing as his father was Captain of all the mining teams.

Steve and James's prophecies were blatantly obvious. Soulmates. The 2 boys have been friends since they were born, their mother's ran a shoemaking shoppe together after both became widowed. Steve and Bucky were constantly with each other as well, so it was assumed by the whole community that they were to become soulmates.

Tony had blocked out the Prophet, but his thought process was broken by the calling of Steve's name. Steve's head snapped in the direction of the Prophet.

"Mr. Rogers. You are to be..."

Everyone held their breathe.

"A soulmate!" Steve's face went pale with dissatisfaction as he looked back at his friends. They patted him on the back, and James hugged him tightly. No one wanted to be a soulmate, except for some individual kids with the lowest of grades.

It was Tony's name next. He was terrified, but he would never admit something like that. Clint placed a hand on his shoulder and Bruce rubbed his back gently. Tony wouldn't admit this either, but the comfort was appreciated.

"Mr. Stark..."

Tony felt everyone's gazes cutting through his skin, blistering his ego and confidence.

"You are a soulmate!" The Prophet exclaimed excitedly, clasping his hands together in delight. Tony's heart dropped out of his chest and fell onto the hard concrete. He wanted to collapse and sob, but his father forced him to have a rock-solid face so he just nodded his head and turned away from the Prophet.

The one damn thing I didn't want! Tony thought, screw everything now. My future is in the gutter. Soulmate. Stupid.

He didn't dare look in Steve's direction. Soulmates were an incredible 'honor' and were to be handled by the leader of the small, isolated town. The town of Cinder. Tony's despised the name. Cinder was the residue from fire, a flame destroys, and Tony strives to create. So, he didn't agree with the name.

Tony tried his best to bury himself in the crowd, but they kept staring. Their eyes are sharp as a hawk's, their thoughts practically screaming at Tony.

This boy is a soulmate.

Tony Stark is soulmates with Steve Rogers.

I wonder what we do.


The 2 men were told separately that they could say their goodbyes to their families, but they must pack quickly for they are to be moved into a glorious palace. Again, soulmates are treasured greatly for their rarity. Originally, soulmates were suppose to rule the town as joint leaders.

Unfortunately, in the recent 100 years, the generation of mates came to a sudden halt. The leader role was bestowed upon Carol Danvers, a graceful war hero. Everyone, even Tony, agreed she was a just ruler.

"You screwed us, Anthony. You screwed our entire Stark name!" Howard hissed, throwing a ceramic at Tony's feet. Howard was starting a classic Stark fit, and Tony was used to it.

"It wasn't my choice, Howard!" Tony yelled back before he could convince himself to walk away. He wanted to scream in his terrible father's face, he wanted to pound Howard's face in until his heart didn't hurt anymore.

"I'm your father. Not Howard Stark!" Howard's voice boomed through the house, making Maria scramble down to the kitchen where Tony and Howard were going 20 rounds. Tony screeched and ran up to his room to pack for his new life.

Tony hated his entire dynamic.




Except he wasn't fortunate. His father was disgusted by him. His mother didn't make his father's rage any better.

His fame was overrated. It drew unwanted and snobby attention. Tony's classmates knew exactly what Stark Industries was and that was all Tony could be known as.

The son of a jackass.


If you guys want, I will continue this story soon! Thanks for reading!

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