Chapter Eight

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The next morning when I woke up Mirabelle was still asleep on the bed. I had slept on the couch and given her the bed. I slowly got up and quietly left the room. I wanted so badly to go back into the office and send another email or something but I knew that was the first place she would look.

I pressed on to the kitchen and got started cooking. I wasn't the best cook, but I had learned some things from Ezra.

I bet he's so worried about me.... I banished the thought from my head. I had to or I wouldn't be able to act like everything is fine today.

While looking for pans I found a small iPod on an iHome and switched it on to whatever music was on it to give me something to take my mind off of things.

"If you love me let me gooo-" I started hysterically laughing without being able to stop until I ran out of breath. That is too perfect....

I had just gotten the eggs done and had started buttering some toast when a distressed looking Mirabelle came running into the kitchen. She just stared at me open mouthed for a minute, seeming amazed that I wasn't up to anything.

"Good morning, Mirabelle," I smiled.

I saw her let out a breath and relax. She sat down at the island and continued to stare at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, amused.

"I was so sure that you had ran or that you were on my computer...." she admitted.

I shook my head. "Just making some breakfast." I sat a plate of food down in front of her.

She quickly dug in and I genuinely smiled. I liked a girl with an appetite that wasn't scared to eat in front of me. I sat down beside of her and ate what was on my plate.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked when she had finished.

"Are you feeling the bond?" she asked me, ignoring my question. If she wasn't an inhuman creature and keeping me against my will I would really like her and her directness.

"I feel it," I responded quietly, thinking of the tingles when our skin made contact and how even when I knew I should be running away her smile and voice called to me in ways I didn't understand.

Mirabelle let out a sigh of relief and grinned. "I told you that you would."

I just smiled because I already felt bad enough for playing her to get away. I didn't want to lie even more than necessary. Time to switch the conversation so she doesn't ask for more.

"Who is that woman who was with you when...well, the night we met?"

"Natalie," she responded, her voice not as happy as it was.

"I wondered. The only person I've really met was Wes."

She nodded.

"You jealous or something?" I joked.

Her eyes darkened. Maybe I shouldn't have been joking....

"I have nothing to be jealous of! You're mine."

"Wes isn't my type anyway," I tried to lighten the topic. It didn't work.

A moment of awkward silence went by. "What are you doing today?" I asked, changing the topic once more.

"I'm preparing and training some pack members to be ready for a trip."

"You have to train them?" I pondered. "Is there anything I can do?"

She laughed like I was being dumb, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I did have to go through training to be a cop, you know. Lots of it. I may could help."

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