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I was walking down to methisto office wearing the jacket rin got me because THAT BAKA MEPPHY FORGOT TO GIVE ME MY KEY I was at the door office and knocked on it three times no answer so I went to open the door but it was locked so I tried a teleporting spell in geehanna words but it was like mepphys




I teleported into methisto's office on findinging him to be talking to a green haired guy dressed weirdly like him-.......wait THAT AMAIMON
Aph: uhhhhh amaimon and mepphy hehe BAII I quickly ran to the door to open it and escape but got pulled back when someone pulled my wrist it was king broccoli (also known as amaimon)
Aph: KING BROCCOLI WHAT THE HELL-hehe king broccoli I just remembered *i was snickering while
King broccoli looked made but happy at the same time he quickly pulled me into a hug and I stopped laughing and hugged Him back
Amaimon: it's nice to see you again (y/n) (wolfie: btw (y/n) means your name ok keep reading to understand what I mean)
(Y/n): ummm amaimon I'm known as aph here so can you call me that when we're around other people *i said turning around hiding my face that was literally red from his passionate hug
Amaimon: of course anyway hehe let's have some fun-*i quickly shoved a lollipop in broccolis mouth and he looked really happy and dragged me up to the roof so we can sit, talk and eat candy
Amaimon: so (y/n) how have u been since you left geehanna....*i quickly turned away while tears started filling my eyes I hated remembering about those times while I was Trying to hid away my tears I felt a warm arm around me and hugged me tight it was amaimon when I turned to look at him with tears in my eyes he shoved a lollipop in my mouth and that made me laugh he always knew how to cheer me up*
Yuno: oh amaimon you always know how to cheer me up *i said while laughing and tears kinda flowing down my face in front of him*

Amaimons pov
I was in the office talking to methisto when some girl teleported in front of us she had brown silky hair and pretty green beautiful eyes she looked familiar-🤭.......... (Y/N?) I guess she noticed I was there because of what she said
(Y/n): uhhhhh amaimon and mepphy hehe BAII She quickly turned around and was dashing to get to the door i quickly ran after her and grabbed her hand and she screamed
(Y/n):KING BROCCOLI WHAT THE HELL-hehe king broccoli I just remembered * I saw her snickering really cutely which made me blush a light pink but she didn't see it......i quickly grabbed her and hugged her I haven't seen her in forever since she left gaheena I felt tears in the corners of my eyes but held them back I didn't want her to see me cry.
~time skipparo brought to u by HOT RINYYYY(DONT judge me I know ur judging ma)~
(Y/n) pov
I was walking back to mepphys office because king broccoli fell Asleep on ma so I carried him down to talk to mepphy so I can place him in my room to sleep
(Y/n): MEPPHY ARE U STILL HERE-*pinkish purple smoke appeared in front of me and I knew who it was so I just put king broccoli down and walked in the smoke
(Y/n): yo mepphyyyyyy u here-*i felt somebody grab me so I dragged their arm and held tightly because I knew who it was
(Y/n): MEPPHY-ahem ohhh mephisto can u pretty please with sugar on top tel-* I got cut off by mepphy
Methisto: it's in the kinda abounded building where the okumura live-thats were u'll be living because of ur powers but don't tell them u have any and try not to make rin angry
(Y/n):oh....why. Do. I. Have. To. Live. With. Boys? *i asked obviously furious mephhy just stared at me and just shrugged his shoulder and grabbed my hand and did his signature thing but before he could talk i quickly and sneakily grabbed king broccolis hand so he would teleport with us. I was in front of a room door the number was '156' I wondered why they were so high but I didn't care I opened the door slightly to see if anyone was home luckily no one was. I went into the first room hoping it was empty so I can set king broccoli down but it wasn't and I saw a guy with glasses doing work he was getting up so i quickly found a empty room shoved him inside shut the door ran out shut the entry door and knocked on it the brown hair guy with three moles on his face opened the door confused
?: um hello can I help u-I think ur in the wrong place the girls dorms is across campus * I sigh leaving a confused expression but kinda blank one on his face
(Y/n): is this where the okumuras live? I asked and he nods his head
(Y/n): is this room number '156' and he nods his head again so I walked passed him into the room and inspected it with my hand behind my head he looked kinda annoyed I just barged in and asked
?: what do u want to know and why are u here? I smirked at how he was annoyed and walked really close to him my breasts kinda touching his chest which mad him turn light pink a little
I'm ur new roomie *I said walking away and going in the room I set king broccoli leaving the brown haired guy confused, and blank, I quickly looked my room door and put king broccoli on my bed (of course I washed it and changes the sheets) I looked at the room it needed decorating but it wasnt that bad I walked out of my room quietly while closing the door (quietly) and walked to the brown hair guys room
HEYO! *I said making him jump outta his chair
Couldn't be anymore louderrr.......?
"(Y/n) THAT MA NAME" I said smiling a goofy smile he was still confused and blank he kept asking why I was here so I said "first STOP ASKING ME ITS ANNOYING secondly methisto put me here and thirdly I'm try to think but u keep interrupting so plz SHUT DAFUCK UP BOI" he seemed kinda shocked hearing that come out if my mouth but he left a blank expression pushing up his glasses "ok (y/n) my names Yukio okumura sorry for interrupting u but now I know why ur here I need u to take a test" he said handing me a paper it was about low class demons I already knew all about them So i quickly answered them all in like ten seconds I handed him the paper with the look finished he was kinda shocked but smiled marking the paper he said while marking
'Are u gonna be attending cram school (y/n)?" I could tell he wanted me to attended with the sound of his voice but either way I had no chose because of mepphy
"Yea ARE U IN CRAM SCHOOL DO U KNOW THE TEACHER SO I CAN ATTEND? I asked giving a blank expression while screaming "well lucky for u I am the teacher" he says super calmly at first I thought it was a joke but he sounded serious so I just said this " how can YOU be the teacher you even look younger then my u still have a baby's face I said shocked he looked annoyed when I said baby face " I DO NOT have a baby face so if ull excuse me I'll have to so work he said sitting down expecting to shoo me away but I was having none of it I looked over his shoulder because I was bored and didn't want to leave he kept moving away but I got tired of moving around so I sat in his lap which made him shocked and turn red "w-what are you d-doing?" He asked I don't know why he did can't he see I wanna see what his doing "try a see what ur doing but u kept moving away so I sat on ur lap I said kinda leaning back relaxing I felt really comfortable and remember falling asleep while hearing a loud thud but still fell asleep on yukios shoulder.
Yukios pov
As I was marking my work (y/n) literally just sat on my lap my face turned fully red " w-what are you d-doing" I said flustered I saw her make a annoyed cute face she said "I tried looking at what u were doing but u keep moving away so I sat on ur lap she said I felt her leaning on my shoulder getting comfortable which made me blush ten times more, she was half asleep when there was i loud thud she kinda woke up but the fell asleep on my shoulder my room door flung open to see rin rubbing the back of his head in pain he stopped when he saw (y/n) laying on my shoulder and I turned ten times red "h-hiii r-rin" I said nervously and I could see him smirking "hai four eyes can I ask who this girl is?" He said smirking even more then stopped and said "(y/n)? Is that (y/n)?"rin said confused apparently that her name-ahhh! I felt he snuggle more into me and I turned more and more red into my whole body was literally red u can also see her jacket kinda slipping off which showed her bra strap and a little bit of her bra I can sense a nose bleed coming so I covered my nose and the blood squirted on my hand I quickly pulled the jacket propley on her........wait a minute that rins jacket "um rin?....why is ur jacket on (y/n)?" I asked mad but concerned but He explained the story "ohh okay I get it-ahhhh she's doing it again!" This time she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest leaving me speechless and the reddest u could ever be I got up slowly and went toward my bed I tried to place her down but she wouldn't let go of me " hey rin c-can u help m-me" I said pleading of course I should've expected what happened next " nope sorry bro ur on ur own anyway u should lay with her u might actually sleep u need ur rest he said walking out closing the door quietly behind himself "ughh that Baka-ahhh!" She kept pulling me down kinda signalling to make me lay with her so I did so she would just sleep and let go so I can leave.


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