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It was another beautiful day on the Mindcrack server and Aureylian was busy building her castle in the sky. She was so busy, in fact, that she didn't notice the other mindcracker who was quietly sneaking up behind her. That is, until he misstepped and accidentally broke the glass beneath his feet. When she heard the glass shatter behind her, Aureylian immediately swung around with her diamond sword in hand, ready to strike.

"Vechy!" She exclaimed upon seeing the red faced mindcracker "You scared the bejeezus out of me!"

"Apologies, Rel Rel." He replied, regaining himself and giving the redhead a small bow. "That wasn't very stealthy of me."

"It's alright!" Aurey giggled as she turned back around and began rummaging through one of the many chests that were scattered around her unfinished base.

"So what are you working on?" Vechs asked, peering into the chest over Aureylian's shoulder.

"I'm working on building my castle. Why don't you give me a hand while you're here?" Aurey suggested, handing Vechs a stack of snow blocks. "Just place these on the border of the rainbow bridge." She instructed.

'This seems kind of dangerous..' Vechs thought to himself as he began to place the blocks. However, as he was placing the snow blocks, he came up with an idea for a diabolical prank to play on Aureylian. He happened to have some wool blocks in his inventory so he began to place wool blocks down occasionally instead of snow without Aurey noticing. When he was all out of blocks, Vechs looked back at his work and chuckled to himself. 'This sure is going to annoy Rel Rel!' He thought.

Aureylian heard him chuckling and turned back around. She knew that something was up but she couldn't quite figure out exactly what Vechs had done. However, she gasped when she noticed the wool blocks he had placed down.

"Vechs!" She yelled sternly, with her hands on her hips. Vechs burst out into maniacal laughter. "It's not funny!" She continued "Now I have to fix it!"

She went back to the chest to grab another stack of snow blocks and then began to replace the wool. Vechs was standing behind her, still laughing as he watched her replace the unwanted blocks that he had placed. Aureylian mined out one of the wool blocks, but she had been standing too close to the edge. She accidentally slipped over the side of the rainbow and barely caught herself on the edge, dropping her diamond pickaxe in he process.

She was holding on with one hand but her grip on the glass block was slipping quickly. Vechs jumped into action, grabbing Aureylian's arm and using all of his strength to pull her to safety. He wrapped the shaking redhead in both of his arms as they watched a few of Aurey's items plummet to the ground.

"Thanks." Aurey mumbled into his chest, still shaking from the scare.

"Don't mention it." Vechs mumbled with his arms still wrapped around the other mindcracker.

"Um.. Vechy." Aureylian said when Vechs continued to hold on to her for a little too long.

"Oh! Sorry!" Vechs replied as he awkwardly released his grip and took a step back. "I'll go and get your stuff!" He quickly ran down the rainbow so that Aurey wouldn't see his face turning a bright shade of red. He found her pickaxe and some of her blocks under the rainbow and picked them up. He sat down to wait for his embarrassment to go away before he went back up to Aurey. "Why do you have to be such an awkward Vetchus?" He said to himself. He only ever got this nervous around girls that he really liked..

He got up and ran back up the rainbow to give Aurey back her items. He handed them to her and then quickly began to make his way back down the rainbow and towards the nearby forest.

"Where are you going, Vechy?" Aurey asked.

"I was planning on going on a little adventure. To collect some resources." He replied.

"Oooh! That sounds like fun!" Aureylian replied. "Can I come with you?"

"Um sure, I guess. Come on!" He replied. Aurey quickly deposited some junk in a chest and grabbed her diamond sword before running down the rainbow to join her friend.

She walked next to Vechs as he led her towards the forest. There was a patch of daisies a few blocks away and Vechs suddenly ran towards them. He gathered a bunch of flowers and ran back to Aurey.

"Here, Rel Rel." he said as he handed her the bunch of flowers.

"Awwww!" She squealed as she put the daisies up to her nose and smelled them. "Thank you Vechy!"

Vechs smiled and continued walking towards the forest.

"I have to collect some lumber first." Vechs told Aurey. He took out his axe and began to chop down the nearby oak trees.

"I'll help!" She took out her own axe and soon the pair were both busy swinging at the surrounding trees. "Ooh look! An apple!" Aurey said when she spotted a bright red fruit falling from the leaved above her head. She grabbed the apple and handed it to Vechs. "A gift." She said and Vechs accepted it with a bow.

"I think this is enough wood." Vechs said after a while. "We can start heading back to my base now.. It's over m'yah if you'll just follow me."

"Alrighty!" Aureylian skipped over towards Vechs and linked arms with him. This caused Vechs to blush again but he didn't complain about the beautiful girl who was now so close to him. The two mindcrackers happily walked out of the forest arm in arm.

When they reached Vechs' villainous underground lair, Aureylian found herself looking around in awe.

"This place is amazing!" She exclaimed as she deposited the lumber into the appropriate chest.

"You haven't even seen the best part yet!" Vechs said excitedly. He really wanted to show her the gardens because he knew how much she loved flowers and knew that she would really enjoy it. In his excitement, Vechs grabbed Aurey's hand and led her towards the other side of the base.

Aureylian didn't mind when Vechs grabbed her hand. She had a momentary shock but was soon distracted when they arrived at the amazing looking underground garden.

"Wow!" Was all Aurey could say when she saw the colorful crops and, most importantly, the fields of flowers. She let go of Vechs hand and quickly ran through a whole field of roses. "This is amazing!" She exclaimed, picking flowers as she went.

Vechs sat on a stone slab and watched the adorable redhead as she enjoyed his base. He couldn't help but giggle when Aureylian threw a handful of rose petals at him.

"Hey!" He yelled at her in mock anger, grabbing a handful of flowers to throw back. He chased Aurey who was trying to hide behind a bale of hay. However, right when she thought she was safe, Vechs grabbed her by the waist and pulled her out of her hiding spot.

With one arm still around Aureylian's waist, he presented her with a handful of pink tulips which were Aurey's favorite. He then surprised a giggling Aurey with a quick kiss on the cheek.

This took Aurey by surprise but she thought it was really cute. She hugged a blushing Vetchus and kissed his cheek in return which only made him blush more.

While she had him distracted from the kiss, she sneakily ran away to the other side of the garden and Vechs followed after her. They spent the next few hours chasing each other in Vechs underground paradise.

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