why I ship flutterdash and Celestcord

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So this is for all the people who aks why we ship flutterdash and delestia, and one thing STOP FUCKING HATING US FOR NOT LIKING YOUR SHIP!

Well here is the reason why I don't ship fluttercord

1: discord is immortal, and fluttershy will grow old and die

2:discord is HELLA way older than fluttershy

3: discord is always getting into trouble and gets in trouble by celestia a lot

Why I ship Celestcord

1:they are both immortals

2:they both hate eachother but that start to be friends again

3:discord is nicer to celestia but always gets her mad somehow

4:they are both funny

Why I ship flutterdash

1:they have been bestfriends since they were little

2:they can both grow old and die together

3:dash was always their for fluttershy

4:fluttershy always forgives dash for her mistakes (sometimes)

5:dash never lets people bully fluttershy

6: dash protected her two times from dumbbell and hoops

7:fluttershy then defanded dash from dumbbell and hoops

8:they never leave eachother sides

9: dash is loyal and choses fluttershy over the daring do book

10:dash always realizes the mistakes she makes and trys to make them better again.

Now to all those fluttercord shippers who says stuff about us flutterdash shippers....*ahem*


2: if yall fluttercord shippers but hate comments on our flutterdash stories, i will block yall, i will hate your books to and that's all

3: we don't care what yall think about what we ship, but keep it to yourself!

Well that all! Baiiiiiii

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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