02.Whose that?

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The plane landed safely on the ground the doors opening right away revealing T'challa

They slowly excited Tony slightly behind 

"Captain" T'challa greeted shaking Steve's hand

"Your highness" Steve greeted back with a small smile

"Stark" T'challa greeted Tony with a firm handshake

"Kitty" He said with a small smirk

T'challa groaned in annoyance but decided to ignore it

"How you been buck?" Steve's voice made Tony look toward him

"Not bad..for the end of the world"  Bucky said with a small smile on his lips

Tony's jaw clenched lightly as his gaze met his

"Tony, we don't have time for this, at least not now" Steve's voice made him brake the gaze as Bucky looked at the ground with a guilty look

He sighed but hesitation was stilly there

"Fine" he said as he walked towards the building

"I'm sorry Steve" Bucky's voice was heard making Steve look at him

"You didn't know what you were doing, it's not your fault" Steve reassured


"Stark" Natasha greeted with a small smile

"Nat, good to see you" Tony smiled

"So what do we got?" Steve asked as he leaned on the chair

"Were not sure, but it's something big , like nothing we have seen before" T'challa explained

"How do we plan on beating this?" Tony asked quietly

"You'll need help" a mysterious voice made them look back where with came from

"Bruce?" Natasha's confused voice was heard

"Hey Nat"

It was quiet(auto correct changed it to squirt 😂) for a few seconds

"Well this is awkward" Sam's voice was heard

"Whose that?" Tony asked pointing to the man beside Bruce

"I'm Doctor Strange"

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