•E i g h t e e n• - Finn

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When we started to film that day, I got a weird notification on my phone. Romeo Beckham was DMing me on instagram. Weird, right? Why would he text me?

Romeo: Hey, handsome:)

Hold up. HOLD UP. What? Doesn't Millie like him? Yeah, I'm pretty sure she does.

Me: Why are you texting me?

Romeo: I just wanted to say hi hottie.

Me: Creepy much?

Romeo: I'm here in Atlanta, in case you want to see me;)

Me: Hell no! Stop texting me and go away!

Romeo: Whatever sweetheart, I'll get my way whether you like it or not.

You have blocked this user.

I'm done. I have a beautiful boyfriend that I love so much and he's not going to ruin it for me.

"Hey Finn, you good? You're on your phone a lot more then normal." Noah said to me. Should I tell him? Not yet.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just social media stuff." I lie, giving him a smile. He smiles back and grabbed my hand. I put my phone in my pocket and laced my fingers into his, a perfect fit.

Later that night, I get a notification from Twitter.

Romeo Beckham has followed you.

Romeo: Hey baby:) how's it going for ya?

Me: Screw off already, would you? I have a boyfriend and I'm perfectly happy with him.

Romeo: well, I'll just have to win you over. Simple.

Me: no you won't. I love Noah with all my heart, and you can't stop me.

You have blocked this user.

My lord, he is getting on my nerves. I wish that he would leave me alone for once. I went over to Noah's room.

"Hi tall bean, do you need something?" He asked me. I nodded child-like, giving him a big hug.

"I love you so much Noah. Please tell me you love me too?" I say, pulling back from the hug.

"I really do love you too, Finn. Always have, always will." He replied, hugging me again. It felt so right to hear those words. I love you. I know that I'm only 15 and he's only 13, but we are both in love. With each other. And that will never change.

"Thanks Noah. Good night smol bean." I said, pecking him on the lips.

"Good night tall bean." He replied. I walked out of his room, and went back to mine. Hopefully Romeo leaves me and him alone.

-the next day (oh no)-

Today was a day off of set, so I decided that I would take a walk around the small part of the city around us.

"Noah, I'm going for a walk. Call me or text me if you need anything." I told him with a peck on the lips.

"Okay, see you later!" He replied. I walked out the door with my sunglasses so no one will know who I am, and I head out.

I was looking around, when I found an abandoned park. Perfect, I thought to myself and I headed to the swings. It would be really nice if Noah were here, but we wouldn't wanna risk anyone finding out.

"Well well well, look who I found."

I turn my head around to find the one person I hoped to leave me alone. Romeo Beckham.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" I ask, standing up.

"I'm here for you, of course. I see that Noah isn't here. Now we can have a little.. fun." He said, walking towards me.

"No! Get away from me!" I yelled, backing up.

"Feisty, I see. I'll just have to do it the hard way."

Then, I heard Noah in the distance.

"Finn! You've been gone for too long! Where are you!" I heard him say.

"Hmm, perfect timing." Romeo told me, grabbing me by my collar. Then, he smashed his lips onto mine. It felt horrible, forced. I quickly pulled away and out of his grasp, and I looked to the side. There stood Noah, his eyes filled with tears.

"No, no, no! ROMEO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed, pushing him to the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!"

"Noah, I just wanted to talk to Finn about the show, and he just kissed me. You've gotta believe me." Romeo faked.

Noah looked back at me. He shook his head and started to run back.

"Noah, please! No, please come back.." but he was too far gone.

"Well, my work here is done. Have a nice life, Wolfhard." Romeo said, starting to walk off. How could he do this? Does he have no clue how much I love Noah? Honest to god, I would kill for him. I would die for him.

I started to run faster then I ever have back to the condo. I burst through the door and ran upstairs. I went into Noah's room, and he was sobbing into his pillow.



"Noah, it's not what you think!"


"I do Noah, I do! I didn't mean it!"

"Save it Wolfhard. I'm done." Noah walked out the door and back downstairs. I crumbled onto the ground and I let all of my tears flow.

"WHY ME?!" I screamed, and let out uncontrollable sobs. I knew where Noah was going, he always goes there to let out stress. Millie's condo. If I go there now, then I'll have my ass kicked by both Millie and Sadie. And Noah would push me away again. I grabbed Noah's favorite blanket, and headed back to my room. I cuddled up close to it, trying to calm down. I failed miserably. All I could do was sob, inhaling the scent of Noah. I slowly let myself drift off, dreaming that Noah will come back for me. Please come back.

HEYO PEEPS! Well, there you have it. You ppl hate me right about now hehe. Oki I'm going to ask a question cuz I haven't done that in a while: What is your favorite pick up line? See ya later peeps! BYEEEEEE!

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