The Sleep

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   She heard a beeping noise coming from the back of her mind. Her eyes hurt and so did her everything else. She wanted to look around, but her eyes were unfocused and groggy. When the ache in the back of her head had subsided, she was able to get some thoughts through.  "Come on Amelia, pull yourself together,” she processed.  “That was her name, Amelia."

       Amelia's eyes flew open and she found herself attached to hundreds of wires surrounding her head and arms. There were people standing in front of her with clipboards. She reached out to touch them, just to see if they were real. Her hand was stopped in its tracks by some kind of barrier. It wasn't glass, but some kind of electromagnetic field stopping her hands making her tingle with an eerie feeling.     

   “ I wonder what it's for?", she pondered. The people with the clipboards had some kind of masks on. They looked like a surgeons mask, but they obviously weren't operating on her at the moment. They weren't doing much of anything at the moment, just writing something down as they walked up and down the aisle in front of her container. Amelia looked around the tube in which she was sitting in. There was a big vat of clear liquid sitting to her right. And above her there was a humongous glass ceiling. She stretched her neck far to the left to see if she could find anything and found what she was looking for. Just to Amelia's side she saw hundreds upon thousands of tubes just like hers each holding a person inside. All of them, including herself were wearing a light blue jumpsuit of sorts. Her light auburn hair was pulled into a tight pony tail, making it almost impossible to think. Amelia was getting pretty tired, but she had time to notice the others around her. Some were awake and thrashing about and others were sleeping peacefully, almost as if in a coma. But they all were basically doing the same thing. Waiting.

   The observers with the clipboards pulled a large needle from out of thin air. Amelia felt her heart beat quicken as they filled the needle of whatever was in the vat of clear liquids. The tip was then inserted into a minuscule hole in the side of what seemed to be an air tank that supplied the much needed oxygen into the field that that surrounded her entirely. Suddenly two canisters popped out of the floor and began to spray a gaseous form of the liquid to her right.  The gasses had entered Amelia's lungs and were making her sleepy once more.

    By then Amelia had slipped into unconsciousness and was about to hit the floor when she was stopped by the force field surrounding her area. This is what the scientists recorded, they watched everything. They watched her breathe. They watched her move. They watched her sleep. Even when she couldn’t see them.

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