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Hi...Mr Grace right? I'm Louisa and my colleague here is Marjorie. ' said the taller of the two.

I recovered quickly.

'Do call me Michael. So pleased to meet you! I hope you aren't too busy?.'

'It's not a problem at all, Michael,' said Marjorie. 'How can we help?'

'I brought my wife here about 8 months ago to have our baby. I was just passing by, and wanted to say thank you again to the wonderful nurses that took care of my wife and baby. Sadly, I actually thought I got the names right, but I guess I didn't.'

'Oh that's alright,' laughed Louisa. 'Ask me whether we can remember names as well!'

Marjorie had a strange look on her face. 'It's kind of funny though. A cop was here some days ago, asking about a baby. Is your baby's name Carla by any chance?'

Detective Wells had been here before?

The surprise probably showed on my face.

'Yes. That's surprising! How come?'

'He said it was just background checks or something. I recognized you now from the pictures he showed me, though I've never met you before.'

'It makes sense though,' I said. 'Sadly we were attacked a few weeks ago in a convenience store by gunmen. Thankfully none of us were hurt. I guess they were just doing background checks on me, as I was informed a few days ago that the gunmen had been caught.'

'So horrible! At least no one was hurt!' said Louisa with a sigh of relief. 'I just felt that I should let you know though that the cops were asking questions.. '

'Anything else Michael?' said Marjorie brightly, busily repacking her red long hair into a bun.

'Thanks so much for your time, Louisa and Marjorie. Keep up the good work!'

As I got to the car, I realized I had forgotten something.

Mandy looked up at me as I approached.

'Forgotten something, Mr Grace?'

'Just one last question, Mandy, if that is okay?'

She shrugged. 'Go ahead.'

'What happened to the last receptionist that worked here?'

'Oh her! She resigned the day before I started work here. I was just a temp at the Administration, and I got reassigned here after she left. I really do not know why she resigned.'

'Thanks so much Mandy. Have a lovely day!'

I sat in my car for a while, trying to digest the information. The Detective had probably been fishing around, probably to make sure my background checked out. What a wily fellow! That was probably why he was a detective – probably the type that left no stone unturned.

What I couldn't understand was why the nurses had the same names as those that delivered Carla, but were totally different. Did I get the names wrong, I wondered. Or could it be just a coincidence?

I was caught up in my thoughts for the rest of the day.

Even Sheila was concerned.

'What's going on Mr Grace? You seem to be miles away today!'

I smiled and stretched lazily.

'Just going through some unresolved stuff mentally.'

Sheila rolled her eyes.

Carla: Book One - MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now