Strawberry Kit Kat (8)

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"Not sure what he has told Yamada-san but he got his wish."


"I get to stay another week."

Taeyeon lets out a loud "YES!" and jumps up, throwing air punches, dropping her phone in the process. "Whoa!" She quickly picks up the device and exhales in relief when she doesn't see any damage.

"That's good news!" she types.

"Yeah. I've forwarded the email to Yeonho oppa and thanked him. Looks like you're stuck with me for another week, Taeyeon."

"Don't wanna have it any other way," she replies and sends the message before she could stop herself. She's a bit worried when she sees what she has written but there's no undoing it. Let's hope she takes it well.

"Glad you feel that way," Tiffany's message arrives slightly longer than usual. "So how 'bout that breakfast? You should taste your own cooking. Unless you have somewhere else you need to be."

"Not really but by the time I get there, it's gonna be brunch instead of breakfast." Taeyeon then scrolls up a bit, staring at Tiffany's earlier message with a relieved smile.

"So let's have brunch and think about our afternoon snack later."

"You drive a hard bargain, Your Dictatorness. Fine. I'll get going. You better keep that stew warm."

"I will. See you in a bit."

"See ya."


Tiffany exhales after reading the message, taking her time to reply. What should I say? Should I tell her that I'm also more than thrilled that I get to spend more time with her?

In the end, she decides on a casual "Glad you feel that way" before she goes about insisting that Taeyeon should come over for breakfast.

It's going to be hard to say goodbye but she's determined to make the most out of her remaining week. She figures that even though this won't end in the perfect fairy-tale way, it will still be one of the best memories she could ever have in life. So she intends to make more of those memories because in that small bunch of moments, Taeyeon has managed to rekindle a spark in her that she thought she wouldn't be able to feel again. And for that, Taeyeon will forever be special to her no matter what.


Just like before, they spend their weekend and the remaining days joined at the hips. They keep their routine going: work, lunch and dinner together and they never go to bed without at least a short conversation over the phone. They also never part ways without Tiffany giving Taeyeon her Kit Kats.

Apart from Sunny, Sooyoung now also joins them occasionally for meals or outings and Taeyeon is happy to see a more cheerful Tiffany that reminds her of the Tiffany she met in Japan.

Taeyeon offers to help Tiffany pack on the day before Tiffany has to leave, telling her through the instant messenger at work.

"I don't need your help. I don't have that much stuff to pack anyway," says Tiffany.

"But I'm a great packer!" argues Taeyeon.

"So am I."

"I'll cook you dinner," coaxed Taeyeon.

"Hm... tempting."

"And buy you ice cream."

"Go on."

Taeyeon laughs. "And I'll take you to the airport tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to." Taeyeon sighs in her seat, regretting the fast end to what she considers the best couple of weeks of her life, in addition to that fun week in Japan.

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