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I stared down at the number they forced on me. They held me down in a chair and forced my arm out. They told me to stay still or they'd hurt me, so I did as I was told. They pulled out this giant needle and placed it to my arm. It scraped against my skin over and over rubbing in a row of numbers onto my arm. Like they where labeling me like cattle.

" Get in!" I was pushed into the camp. This place looked horrible so many people where here. Early they stripped me of my clothes and gave me a pair of black and white clothing when I put it on I saw that there was a yellow star on it. As I walked around I was forced into  a tiny room. It was filled with other men some people even had different color stars. Most of the people looked sick, they coughed like their lungs where filled with tar.
One boy, who  looked my age, wasn't even moving he just Sat there with his eyes wide open staring of into space. So I walked over to him and sat beside the boy.

"Hey I'm Aiden." The boy still didn't move and blink.

" It's okay if you don't want to talk it just makes me feel better to talk you know." Again nothing happened, and I started to worry about him.

" Hey are you okay?" I shook him alittle.

" Hey you said your names Aiden right?" A man walked up to me with a smile on his face. I should of been scared but for some reason he reminded me of my dad.
"This kid is actually asleep he's alittle wierd why don't you go play with the little boy over there." I looked to the other side of the little hut and ran over to the kid on the other side.

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