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*John's Pov*

"Did you get it?" A voice sounds behind a door.

Hello, I'm John and I'm Todd's friend, of course I am his friend what the fuck you thought? Everyone wants to be his friend.

"Not yet but I'm counting to have the confirmation in a few weeks" A female voice sounds

Now I'm obviously confused. What the hell is going on?

"You need to hurry up, they've waited years and years! They want the shipment imediatly!" The male voice raises.

"I'm doing everything I can!" The female voice approaches the door and I make a run to my room. 

I try to seek out but all I can see is darkness.

Who the hell is she? What shipment are they talking about?

*Harry's Pov*

Luna's words keep playing in my head driving me inside. What light was she talking about? I mean I know that all my clothes turned into pure darkness but I'm sure she isn't talking about that. Maybe my personality? How it change into pure devil, into pure destruction, my self distruction. Like someone had pushed the deep button in my heart, the button which would start couting my self destructuion till nothing left of me.... exactly what happened. Nothing lefts of Harry, only painfull memories because I'm sure everyone deleted the good ones.

No one remembers Harry's good moments only the dark ones, maybe because it marked more than the bright ones.

I'm laid in my bed looking at the ceeling. I used to do this a lot back then... back in that damn life. Being alone was nice and the silence was confy at least at home, in the white walls of me room which after a few weeks turned into black and blood... blood of all the shits I made, with all the nightmares I did... with all the lifes I destroyed.

Never noticed that until now... until I finaly got time to realize who I was and who I am now. I realized I left pendent subjects in my old life, dangerous ones, but maybe with that I saved people... or maybe  I didn't... I'm not there to find out... and that makes me sad.

Light and Darkness which one are my perfect past?

Lately my thoughts all revolves around Luna and how misterious she is. How she has some feelings for Harry and tries to make me feel them too which is quite odd. She opens herself to me in a strange way, like I cared for what she says... which I found recently creeppy I actually do because I listen every single word and save it into my brain, every little tear, smile she shows me. 

A few weeks ago, before her, I would be laughing at myself for having pussy thoughts and would be snaping at you for trying to discover more and more about me, but hey look I'm openly talking to you.

So or am I crazy or this is what I always needed...

Sleep catches me early today and I embrace it with a good mood.

*Luna's Pov*

Hi... I'm Luna which you probably know... You must have realize by now how deep my feelings for Harry were, are whatever. I personaly don't like to talk about it.

I'm glad I met Marcel, he is a sweet guy, very reservated but sweet in his own way. Guess all his family has something dark deep down after all, something they like to hide, something they don't want to show to the world. Marcel seems to be a guy so different the one he shows and I want to set him free... I want to be able to help him... like I tried with Harry but this time I plan to sucedd.

You probably think I'm wasting my time but I want to know him from the botton to top. Don't think I'm the bad soul... I'm not... 

Don't start thinking I'm doing this because I'm the one who needs to be safe! Don't you dare to think that! I was saved once... and it became my nightmare!

This conversation is making me sick and want to throw up my cereals from breakfast. I can't even look at them floating on the milk anymore. 

I push the bowl away and grab my backpack heading to school in my bike. I could drive but I'm not into it today.

*Marcel's Pov*

Arriving school was never so stressful as it is in the last weeks, since Todd appeared. I feel like fear keeps growing inside me waiting for the perfect time to explode and hit the damn self-destruction button again.

Hello, sorry for taking to long to update and for updating a shorter chapter, I tried to relax from my exams this week.

For the first time we had a Luna's pov yey ahah, I know it's little but I plan to have longer ones.

Sorry any mistake and I'm hoping to update soon.

Friday it's my Birthday yey ^^ yep 4th of July ihih.

Thank you for your patience,

Love you,

Carolina .xx

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