Rejection: Jack Wilder

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Took Her Trust...and Her Wallet

With the last of your items boxed and stuffed in your friend's truck, you slam the tailgate shut and strap everything down. The day was grey and gloomy, and the air was thick and drops of drizzling rain fell. The easy part of moving was done, now came the hardest part. You turned back to look at your beautiful house which you lived in for three long years.

So many memories had been made in every room, and you dreaded the idea of some new person moving in, scraping up the floors with bad furniture, putting holes in the walls, renovating and breaking down whatever they wanted. They wouldn't appreciate the master bedroom's leaky faucet, or the way the radiator in the living room grumbled because he was lonely. No one would ever be able to understand this house like you did, it was the first house you had ever bought after all.

But you had to leave, some weeks ago, someone had broken into your house and stole every last bit of the saving you had from a box under the floorboards. That single box had three more years of monthly rent inside of it, as you saved at least half of the money you had gotten from birthdays ever since you were eight and had managed to be very frugal with what you were given. 

You climbed into the driver's seat of your car. Tears fell from your eyes as you realized that somewhere not far from you, someone had spent all your life's savings on useless every day items. You dreaded the engine of the truck, and depression rushed through you as you began driving away.

That was when, out of nowhere, someone in a dark hood ran directly in front of the truck and held out their hands, stopping you. Confused, you rolled down the window, "What's going on? Do you have some kind of death wish?"

He removed the hood, and there was Jack Wilder. Your heart skipped with joy, but your blood boiled with anger. You knew all too well what he did for a living, and you had a pretty good hunch that he was the one who stole your money.

"Where ya heading, stranger?" he asked with a smile. 

You stared at the blank road ahead, wondering if you should drive away as fast as you could, or confront him. It was clear that you were mad, because when you looked back at jack, he had a fearful look in his eyes.

Trying not to run him off like a deer in the headlights, you stiffly, yet slowly removed your seatbelt, opened the door and got out of the truck, leveling with him... mostly. He was a few inches taller than you, but basically leveling with him.

"I'm moving away."

His eyes widened, and brows furrowed, you didn't think he'd seem so discerned. "Moving? Where? How far away?"

You could never hate those dark brown eyes, you loved them to the depths of you, but you couldn't show any sign of weakness. You had to stay strong. 

"Actually, I'm moving out of town. I'll be stopping at a friend's house and staying for the night. Then tomorrow, my parents are coming to get me, and I'll be with them till I can get back on my feet."

He seemed confused, so you continued.

"I don't think you've heard yet, but someone stole my entire life's savings and now I have no money. I had to sell my furniture and my tv, and a lot of my prized possessions just to have enough money to last me till my house is sold."

Jack looked down at the gravel beneath us. He seemed more hurt than you, how was that possible? You were the one having to move away from the place you loved the most. 

"Jack," you said. After a moment of hesitation, he looked you dead in the eyes. Don't back down. Don't back down, (y/n). "Did you take my money?"

His eyes met the gravel again, and you knew your hunch was right. Tears fell like a river, as you could no longer hold in your emotions. "(y/n), listen to me, please. I can explain..." he continued as you pulled open the truck door and tried to shut it. "No, wait. Just listen to me, (y/n)!" he yelled as he held open the door.

"What, Wilder?" you shouted, "What more could you possibly want from me? You took everything I had, and I trusted you."

"I wasn't trying to take it all, but I didn't get the chance to grab what I needed and so I took it all. I know that it still isn't a good enough reason, but..."

"Not a good enough reason!"

He pulled a small box out of his back pocket and took his wallet out of the other. You scooted back farther, not knowing what to think.

Jack motioned for you to wait as he pulled a large wad of cash out of his wallet and gestured for you to take it. You looked from him to the money and shook your head. "That's not all of it, Wilder."

"No, it's not. I—I used a little of it, but the rest is in the box at my place. I'll get it to you immediately, I swear," he pleaded.

After a moment more passed by, you snatched the money away and counted it before chucking it into your purse. Still not wanting to look at him, you muttered, "What did you use my money on?"

He looked down and slowly opened up the box to reveal a ring with a beautiful gold band and a white diamond. "I was going to put back everything before you noticed, but I wanted to..."

"Save it, Jack." His eyes were pleading, but he understood. "I love you with all my being," you said, "but I could never marry a man who wasn't honest."

He nodded as tears fell from his eyes. Slowly, Jack stepped away from the truck, and you closed the door. You drove away with pain overwhelming your entire being.

Later that night, as you bought back every item you had from the comfort of your friends house, there was a knock at the door. You didn't even notice because you were so wrapped up in phone calls and emails, trying to reclaim your property, and succeeding for the most part.

After you hung up and sighed from the stress, your friend tapped you on the shoulder. "Somebody left this on the porch for you."

It was your box. You opened it to reveal the cash he had stolen, and the ring box. Also, inside was a folded up paper. When you opened it, it read, "I took your trust and stole your money... but I will steal back your heart. J.W."

You smiled, "I'm not that easy," but your best friend who was there behind you scoffed.

"Oh, please! I give it a day if not less. That boy is fine, and you are just a sucker for that devilish smile."

You both laughed.

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