A day to remember

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I smile through my window

when I see your red car

my parents are asleep

after a rough night at the bar

I sneak out the window

careful not to make a peep

the last thing I want

is for Rufus to arise from his sleep

inside the car now

I am greeted with a kiss

his breathbreeked of beer

but I was use to this

he reached in the back seat

and pulled out a can

something felt seriously wrong

but nothing fell out of plan

one can,two bottles

three needle injects

and before I knew it

I was in a deadly car wreck

today was the day

I lost what mattered most

not him,or the beer

but the security of being at home

mirror mirror on the wall

you seem to be dismembered

or maybe it is just a reflection

of the day I don't remember

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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