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Victoria Secret angel Alina Cruz has been spotted out at lunch with English heartthrob Ben Barnes! This comes after they have noticeably been flirting online for the past week, they are believed to be introduced by mutual friend, Sebastian Stan.

Alina is fresh on the market after her break up with millionaire investor Oliver Ripley just over 3 months ago. The pair dated for 2 years but called it splits due to "differences".

See above Alina and Oliver

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See above Alina and Oliver.

Alina was all smiles while out at lunch with Barnes. This is the first time the pair have met in person and opted for s casual lunch. Aren't they just so cute!

Alina is currently back in her LA home preparing for the VSFS which is to be held in less than three months away. Ben also has a show coming out around the same time, The Punisher, which is a marvel tv show to be released on Netflix.

I don't know about you guys but this successful duo is definitely one im willing to support!

I don't know about you guys but this successful duo is definitely one im willing to support!

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See above Alina and Ben photographed at lunch yesterday

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See above Alina and Ben photographed at lunch yesterday.

So what do you guys think hot or not? Ship or sink?
Tweet us and let us know your thoughts on the possible new couple and if you think 3 months is enough time to move on?



Enjoy this lil filler while I work on the next chapters thank you guys for all the love 💖

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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