What it's like competing on I.I

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Okay. I just have three words...




Like seriously. I'll list the problems I have with everybody.

Apple: Doesn't know half the words she says. Borderline it's annoying, and upmost it aggravates me.

Balloon: Did you watch season one? Sure I've kinda gotten use to him trying to change but it doesn't help that much.

Baseball: Been depressed in the recent episodes and I can't stand him cause of it.

Bomb: That speech  problem he has annoys me to no end. I've only gotten though five conversations with him without ending up walking away!

Bow: Honestly I'm glad she's gone. She's so annoying. Sorry Marshmallow if you're reading this but she is.

Knife: I'm actually cool with him. He is probably the only season one contestant I can stand.

Lightbulb: ... I don't even need to say why she annoys me...

Marshmallow: ...I actually don't talk to her much so I don't have much to complain about...

Nickel: He's a sarcastic jerk. But then again I'm not much better.

OJ: Meh he's cool a guess... A little plain if you ask me.

Paintbrush: Painty is cool I guess the temper could be worked on though. But saying that I'm that much better, but at least I don't turn into fire.

Paper: Weakling...

Pepper and Salt: I need to put these two together cause they annoy me the exact same way as one another.

Pickle: Well I guess he's cool. I'm a bit of a gamer too so, yeah...

Taco: I didn't talk with her, so I wouldn't have anything that annoys me about her,  if she didn't steal the million. Or made it to the final two at that!

Box: He is literally just a box!

Cheesy:  Anything can get me to laugh. Just not Cheesys jokes.

Dough: Died before he even did a single challenge! I can't stand him, he's basically a male Bow! But I guess that was the intention.

Fan: ...Stalker...

Microphone: kills my ears almost everyday!

Soap: Neat freak. I don't like her is all I'm saying.

Suitcase: I... I don't have anything to complain about... She's actually really nice.

Test Tube: I can't hate on her. I may not seem like it, but I like science a bit.

Tissues: ... Do I even need to say anything -_-...

Trophy: What a jerk!

Yin-Yang: Yin is cool. Yang is a jerk...

So yeah I have problems with everybody! expect a few people. But still!

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