Chapter 6

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"We will keep track of you both, any problems call this number you'll be put through to the inspector or one of our staff straight away. Any suspicious activity, any contact from him make sure to tell us immediately" The police officer said at the gate.

We were put through a briefing before boarding the plane to Barcelona, there was a lot of important information to take in, with Jamie being on the run and most likely after us, we needed to be prompted on all emergency procedures, phone numbers, whereabouts, gps tracking and so on.

We were eventually able to board the plane, Jacks arm clinging around my shoulder as we left the security of the police officers and into a world of unknown territory. We took our seats and I sat down trembling with fear. Jacks hand on my knee placed me back into reality, I turned to face him and he gave a reassuring smile, I smiled back.

"We're going to be okay, you will be okay" he whispered kissing my cheek sweetly.

"Oh Jack you do know how to make me feel safe you know" I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck and took his hand, our fingers intertwining. I sat staring at our hands, Jack moving his thumb back and forth and tracing circles on the back of my hand.

"Ever been to Barcelona before?" I asked.

"I haven't, have you?" Jack replied.

"No I haven't, I guess it will be a treat for us both, try and take our mind off the situation" I said.

"I will do my best to make this special for you, because my darling you deserve it" Jack said.

"You don't have to do anything Jack" I smiled.

"No really, I want to treat you like no one else ever has, you deserve to be treated right and so I will, I'm spoiling you" He smiled a giddy smile.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I said, snuggling up to him more.

For the remainder of the flight, me and Jack spent our time telling stories, making jokes and sleeping, until we eventually landed in Spain.

We hired a taxi to take us to the nearest  hotel, we arrived at the hotel and checked into a room. Upon being sent upstairs we got into our room and placed our bags down.

"Is there not another bed?" I asked.

"I thought we wouldn't need one, if you don't want to I understand I can sleep somewhere else-"

"No Jack, I would love to share a bed with you" I smiled.

Jack smiled and blushed as he put his clothes in a designated draw.

Once unpacked, Jack lay on the bed watching tv whilst I finished arranging my clothes.

"Come here you" Jack said with an open arm.

I had to oblige, so once I finished I snuggled up to Jack on the bed, his arm wrapping comfortably around me, his hand lightly cradling my head as I placed it onto his chest, listening intently to his racing heartbeat slowing down gradually. I felt his hot breath tickling my ear which sent my stomach into doing several somersaults, and finally a simple kiss to my head was all that was needed to seal the moment into distinct pleasure and perfection. No matter what however, in the back of my mind, there was knowing that Jamie was out there somewhere searching for us to hunt us down and potentially want to harm us...

Film after film and chat show after chat show me and Jack decided to turn off the tv. Jack picked up the phone and ordered room service for something to eat along with a bottle of wine.


"Jack?" I said as we finished our food and sipped on our wine. "Back in the police station you know"

"When I told you I love you?" He said with a grin on his face.

"Yes, were you being genuine?" I asked,

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't Melody" he replied.

Jack stood up from his chair and came closer to me, as I stood up to clean up our mess after dinner. He gently held my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes.

"Mel no matter what I will always love you, since the day I met you I always have, and now that bastard Jamie isn't your boyfriend anymore, I can say things and do things to you that I couldn't have been able to do before. I want to show you what love is, after being through what you've been through, it may be hard to prove but I will go to the ends of the earth to prove that I can love you unlike anyone else and that you deserve so much better"

Happy tears started to gather in the corners of my eyes. I felt so privileged to have Jack, for him to say these things to me, he's keeping me safe away from harm, he doesn't have to prove anything more, he's already gone to lengths to prove he loves me.

"Jack, I love you too, I love you so much words can't describe" I smiled and he returned a smile back.

I grabbed his face and kissed him senseless, his lips moving against mine like velvet, his tongue running along my bottom lip like silk. I felt his eyelashes tickle my face as his closed his eyes in pure bliss, one hand on my waist pulling me against his body, another on my cheek controlling the kissing at his own pace. I had one hand against to back of his neck, making his lips press against mine harder, another hand running through his dishevelled hair. As the kiss grew more passionate, Jack walked forewords onto the bed, toppling over me, never breaking the kiss. I removed my hand from his hair and pressed it against his crotch, pressing firmly as his jeans became more uncomfortable. His hands now roamed my whole body, but before he proceeded any further, he stopped.

"You know where we're going with this right?" He asked.


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Jack" I smiled and he smiled back.

Jack then proceeded to grind against me in all the right places, his hands now massaging my breasts. One piece of clothing after another was taken off until eventually we were both stark naked. Without hesitation, I turned so I was on top of Jack, sliding down his body, I reached his cock and I took it into my mouth as seductively as possible, Jack letting out a long groan as he grabbed a handful of my hair.

"Mel-oh, shit- fuck- Jesus" He gasped in between each thrusting into my mouth. 

I continued just before Jack was ready to come and I made my way back up to his mouth and kissed him hard. As I did, Jack positioned himself and he entered me effortlessly, both of us letting out a loud and anticipated moan. He turned me over so he could take control, and Jack thrusted into me at lightening speed, desperate to release the intensity of his orgasm. With each thrust he pounded in harder and faster, making the knot in my stomach tighten.

"Jack- oh god fuck" Was all I managed to come out with.

"Yes, come for me baby please now-yes, fuck" He moaned as the last few thrusts  stimulated us to orgasm intensely at the same time.

As we finished, Jack collapsed by the side of me, and held me in his arms, sweat glistening his forehead and chest.

"Now that is the best sex I've ever had I can tell you that" He said still breathing heavily.

"I can agree with you on that" I smiled as Jack kissed my forehead and held me tight.

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