3. Blackberry Molasses

Start from the beginning

"Ay, where your people at?" Ty asked as Yani finally sat down on the couch.

"What?" Yani asked cutting her eyes at him.

"Why you live with your sister and not your people?" Ty asked like he had wanted to for a while now. Yani folded her arms across her chest before staring at the television.

"They left us," She said as her left knee began to shake.

"What you mean they left?" He asked and Yani smacked her lips.

"What's with all the questions?"

"Ay, chill out. I was just making conversation."

Yani sighed as she told Ty the story of how her and Cash were the ones left behind. She figure she might as well tell him now before somebody around the way did.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here and talking to you about this," Yani said gently pulling on her ponytail causing Ty to smirk.

"What about Cash's pops?"

"He got killed before I was born," he said shaking her head to get rid of future tears. "What about you? Why are you here and not in Miami?" Yani asked wanting to get off of the subject of her no good ass parents.

"That's another story for another day, shorty." Ty said and Yani smacked her lips.


Ty continued to watch Yani as she became consumed in her own little world. He wondered what made her and her so strong to go through all of that. Tyron felt that he had it hard being on his own at the age of 17 but Yani and Cash had done it way before he had to. Something was missing to the story but Ty wouldn't push the subject because it wasn't his business.

"Oh, thanks again for taking me to my prom." Yani said smiling at Ty which caused him to smile back.

"With that dress you had on, it was my pleasure," he said. Yani blushed and they both laughed.

"Ay let me get a dime." Davon's current customer whispered and Davon turned his lip up.

"Broke ass niggas always want dime bags," he said causing Corey to laugh as he slid him one while Davon took the money.

"That's all I got." The customer whined but that bought him no sympathy.

"You get dimes every damn day. Why don't you save your money and holla at us at the end of the week?" Corey said causing a few people around to laugh. Davon threw two fingers up as they rode off.

"Ay, ride past my old lady's house for me." Davon told Corey as he remembered he hadn't been there since last week. He usually just went to drop off some money and say hi to his mom. Davon didn't care for anybody else in that house but his mom.

Corey slowed down before pulling up in front of a small brick house.

"You staying here?" He asked but Davon shook his head no.

"Just dropping something off." Davon said getting out the car.

20 minutes later, the two were on their way back to the house. When they got there Davon smirked seeing his car in the driveway. Breezey had driven it to work that day so that let him know that she was waiting for him. When they walked in the house AD was on the couch eating some Popeye's.

"B is in your room." He told Davon who only nodded before heading upstairs. He opened his door to see his woman laid out on her stomach in his bed. He smirked as he slid his chain and shoes off before crawling on top of her.

"You are not light." Breezey whispered as he kissed the back of her neck.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked as his hands began to massage her sides. He licked his lips as he tried to think of something else besides getting in his girl. He had been trying to be considerate because she hadn't been up to sex since the miscarriage and it was getting to him.

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