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There are five kingdoms with their own kings and queens and one evil witch.
Kingdom dinkswick- Queen Casia
Kingdom starlight- King Ethnic
Kingdom Oracle- King Neon
Kingdom kailand- Queen Erina
Kingdom blackspell- Witch Sacwrist
Each kingdom and their rulers having their own speciality and power.

Kingdom Dinkswick(Queen Casia)- Having their own kingdom magic with mermaids and fairies. It was beautiful kingdom with beautiful queen.she was polite, graceful, merciful and a good ruler. All the people were happy to have queen casia. She was powerful having three great magical powers. It was freezing power, protection shield and eye power by which she can make her enemy unconscious just by looking at them. She was also having six cadets having special fighter powers.
Cadet Ogras- punching power
Cadet Swera- shooting power
Cadet Prisca- hairs to fight
Cadet Avex- kicking power
Cadet Mick- voice waves
Cadet Belna- karate chops power
They were loyal to their queen and were always alert about danger to protect their kingdom and queen casia. They were also having screen like mobile to see inside anything.

Kingdom Starlight(King Ethnic)- In the kingdom of starlight everything was perfect with a strong and Bold king. He was powerful with special magical powers of water, he can control element of water with his bare hands. His kingdom was surrounded by water on all the sides and without his permission no one can enter into his kingdom.

Kingdom Oracle( King Neon)- king neon of kingdom Oracle was good with highest population between all the five kingdoms. He was having power of fire by ancient myths and legends, he was equally powerful like king ethnic of kingdom starlight. His kingdom was having a magical sword to protect his kingdom from evil powers.

Kingdom Kailand(Queen Erina)- Queen erina of kingdom kailand was merciful and always smiling. When the evil enter hers kingdom then the fragrance of flowers help to detect and remove the evil out of kingdom. She was a hypnotizing queen. She can hypnotize anyone but maximum three people at a time.

Kingdom Blackspell(Witch Sacwrist)- witch sacwrist was the evil witch with magical power of thunder and power of storm in her hands. Her kingdom was also having three great dangerous creatures to protect her kingdom, they were flying Dragon, great white shark and hulk. She always wish to rule all over five kingdoms and try to fight them.

There was also a ravelstone in the kingdom of dinkswick which was a precious stone. Which was not owned by anyone as it was never meant to touch, by touching the stone the person turns into stone. By all the myths and legends it was proved when all the five kingdoms will come together and unite and there will be only one ruler then the 'ravelstone' will be forever owned by that ruler.

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