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Maya knew she can escape from anything but not from Jay...At times she wondered if he knew her more than she knew herself...she quickly composed herself...

Dr. Dasgupta: Maya?

Maya: Yeah the evening..

Dr. Dasgupta (Smiling at both of them): I will be coming in a while..

That was the last thing Maya stay alone with Jay...she was still not immune to him..everything about him still bothered her...affected her...a lot. She quickly made up her mind...

Maya: I will come with you Doctor...

Dr. Dasgupta (Giving her an assuring smile and looking at Jay): I will manage, Maya :) [And she left]

Jay looked at Maya...she was glowing like never before...she has gained a little weight...her cheeks were still pink that he always loved about when he was around her. She could say thousand things to him but her face never lies. 

Maya almost stopped breathing when she felt his breath on her neck..she was not facing him as she was aware of the effect he still had on her...she closed her eyes...only she knew how much she craved to see him...

He turned her to him and she pushed him a little...

Maya: Stay in your limits !! (Jay backed off)

Jay (Giving her his famous smirk): Alright Mrs. Maya Ray Bhattacharya...(Where Jay emphasized on "Mrs." and "Ray" more) [Looking at her nameplate with a smile]

Maya (Awkwardly): I use Ray because of Kaku..that's nothing to do with you...get it very clear Mr. Jay!

Jay grabbed her hand and pulled her to him...looked at her wrists that was still had her "Sakha Paula" on in the both the hands...[Shakha Paula: a pair of  shell (shakha) and red coral (paula) bangles worn as marriage symbols by the Bengali women]

Jay (Looking at her middle parting that graciously showed the red streak of Sindoor/Vermilion and in a mocking way): I see...

Every time he did it...she wanted to thrash his face that always caught her...that too in a shameless way. She struggled to get out of his hold and he finally released her hands...

Jay (Crossing his hands in front his chest): What report she was talking about?

Maya bit her lip and Jay understood that she was going to's her old habit...

Maya: Thamma's reports. (Quickly changing the topic) Why are you here?

Jay (Smugly): Someone asked me to get a tetanus withing 24 hours..

Maya (Gritting her teeth): Now a day..every damn medicine shop keeps tetanus injections..

Jay (Making an innocent face): I never's okay..I better skip the go ahead with your work...

Maya knew his tricks..if it was not her..he would definitely going to skip..not taking the injection at all 😡

Maya: Open your shirt...

Jay (Giving her a naughty grin): Here?

Maya (She threw the pen at him that she was holding which he easily caught in one hand before it could hit him...she fumed further): Don't try my patience, Mr. Jai...STOP PLAYING WITH ME!!!

Jay (Irritated with her behavior): Don't shout's your hospital..not our home...

Maya calmed down a little...Jay opened his shirt from one side...he was annoyed with her for calling him "Mr. Jay" constantly. He didn't miss the red hue on her cheeks when he opened his his mind, he grinned from ear to ear...but from outside he kept a serious face when she shot a death glare to him..

Maya looked at his arm and shoulder which had some fresh small wounds. He watched as she blinked her tears away with great difficulty...he didn't dare to console her.. knowing well the consequences.

She rubbed the spot where she gave him the injection..and put a band aid there. Jay constantly had his gaze fixed on her beautiful flawless face...drinking the breathtaking view in front of him. The thick bags under her eyes didn't go unnoticed by him.... 

Jay: What are you hiding from me?

Maya was totally unprepared for his sudden question...She stayed silent and continued her work...

Jay (Studying her face): You know I have my own ways to find out...

Maya (In a rough way): Listen to me very carefully, Mr. Jay...stop poking in my life...and learn to lead your life peacefully...have you ever heard the phase? "live and let live"..I learnt to live my life without you...

Jay didn't say anything and got up...buttoning up his shirt...he headed towards the door as Maya held back her tears...

Maya looked at him carefully who gripped the handle of Sofa with one hand and clutching his heart with the another....taking long breaths...Maya rushed towards him..

Maya: Joy...what's wrong? (Patting his cheeks whose eyes were about to get closed)

Jay (In between his heavy breathing): For some getting pain...(rubbing his heart)

Maya (Totally horrified): Omg..why didn't you tell me don't worry...I will..I will call Dr. Dasgupta..You stay here...I guess Dr.Chatterjee (Cardiologist) is still in the hospital (She started blabbering out of fear)..Joy don't close your eyes..

Jay: You meant Dr. Chirag Chatterjee ?? (Gritting his teeth) That moron is still here?? [Chirag had a crush on Maya and also proposed her😂]

Maya was flabbergasted as he now looked absolutely fine. Jay understood that she understood it was his act 😓Wiping her tears, Maya furiously got up from the sofa only to pulled by Jay on his lap...She took the pillow and started hitting him frantically...Jay pulled her close...

Maya (grabbing his collar and with a dangerous expression): One more time, you will do such act...I swear, I will only kill you and go to jail...

Jay (moving a strand of hair from her face): Can you blame me for this? I was fade up with your "Mr. Jay"..Why did you push me to such extent when you do know I don't like some certain things...

Maya (Looking at him helplessly and in a low voice): You will never change...

Jay took her in his arms, kissing her hair as she put her arms around his neck..burying her face in his neck...she could not fight back anymore...with him...with herself..

The remained in the position till she stopped crying...

Jay: Why are you doing this to us, Shona?

Darlings, I wanna clear one confusion's Joy only for Maya..she calls him Joy :) Hope it helps🤗

Cover Pic- 🤗FB/Insta😍

Cya soon🤗❤😎

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