meeting the sock man

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[ok this is setted in school for those top quality animu cliches)

You are at school. It sucks i guess but yoU haVe ChORuS sO iT suCKS wORse tHan beFore.

Your stupid teacher who sounds like a 73 year old middle aged man is screaming/singing and stuff  

You sit in your seat and start playing osu on your phone because yes.

"StaHp (ur name) a nnD liEK fuCkin siNg" ms moore screams.

"Hhhhhhskdksldk fine" you stand up and put your phone in your pocket and put in your headphones, listening to those great weeaboo vocaloid songs by KAGAMINE RIN instead of singing. Because len can go fuck himsef.

You notice a guy sitting across the room also playing his phone and not doing anything hes supposed to do. "SaKai heCkiNG siNGGGGHHHh" the teacher screams once more.

"No" sakai says and keeps playing his phone.

For some reason you walk up to him. He was sooo cool and stuff. "Woa how did u do that??!!?1!!" You ask like a gay idoot.

He looks up at you with his blue/red/i forgot what color they were eyez. They were good. "Uh can you leave" realizing you seem like a fucking idiot you sit down but instead of going to your chair you sit like 4 chairs away from him.

'Woa hes like so fucking hot-' you think to urself. 'Wait no im not gay' you remembered. You stare at the sock man, anable to keep ur eyes away. He had long flowy black hair and sprakly red/blue/idk eyes, staring at his screem. You see what music hes lostening to. Its some edgy weeb shit. Yes.

You realize how awesome he is compared to your super hexagon shit. You stare at him n stuff for the rest of the class when your teacher's screaming instructions.

As soon as the bell rings sakai immediately gets up and rushes out of class, abandoning you. You try following bt your stupid chorus teacher stops you. "I disSmiSS yOu nOt thEbbeLL!!1!1"

'Jfksjdlsjdkskdkdls then whats the point of the bell' you didnt say this aloud tho cause your a queit social anxietyed peice of shit. 'But sakai would bc hes cool. And hot.' You thonk. 'Wait im not gay-' you try to internally punch your brain in the face. This is school. Gay = bad. Also bc ur not gay.

Or r u?

Dun dun dun!1!!1!1

To be continoooed

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