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In the farfuture the world has been ravaged and torn apart by war. Left behind in the wake of destruction is very little the population now a mere billion people nearly all of whom are living in poverty. In an attempt to preserve humanity and stop war, all civilization has bound itself together as one society; (yet to be named ok, the name will be shown as ------- ; for now.) Those in power and wealth believe this is an end and that all is now okay as they enjoy their lives to the fullest in Mount. Capital; a mansion built within a literal mountain. Below M.C. the rest of society struggles to rebuild with what has been left behind. As the years go on things slowly begin to look up, the last of those affected by the radiation and bombs have died and the world seems to look towards a bright future. As centuries pass, the destruction slowly begins to be forgotten and no one thinks twice about any possible genetic enigmas that could be lurking in the DNA, just waiting. No one thought about what the radiation could have done to those who survived. By the time the enigmatic DNA comes to light so many centuries have passed that radiation is but an old word used by grandparents to strike fear in the Hearts of children. Yet, these enigmas, would bring about the worst years seen since the rebirth. The enigmas have begun revealing themselves in Children as if it were just another part of puberty. M.C. gathers all of the smartest minds of the century to try and figure out what has begun. No matter the money, time, or smarts, poured into the research they can't seem to find anything. No trace of radiation, no DNA differences, no Hormonal differences, they appear to be no different than any other child and yet, they posses powers only ever heard of in ancient stories from the World Before. With no way to trace or control those who are different M.C. uses the few unfortunate incidents where the children lost control to urge parents to bring forward any enigmatic child and release them into the custody of the government. At first, the majority of parents are eager to comply all for different reasons, for many it is because they see it as a great opportunity for their child to grow up without worry or poverty even if it is without their family, for others it is to rid themselves of their freak like children. As the years pass and more and more children seem to present with enigmatic DNA and M.C., no longer willing to host hundreds of children within M.C., builds an underground facility to hold all the children. Those who have grown into adults are given lowly jobs within M.C. or the facility to keep them hidden from the rest of society. Of course, over the years a few have disappeared from the system here and there and even fewer were never even reported. With the first generation of Enigmatics fully grown and yet to be seen again by their families rumours of horror and death begin to spread from town to town. Rumours warning parents against handing over their children. As rumours do, it spreads like wildfire and M.C. catches wind. In hopes to keep parents handing off their children they release promotional videos showing happy Enigmatics, children and adults alike. While this satisfies most, some families to do everything in their power to hide away and protect their Enigmatic children. About a year passes before another rumour emerges, this one whispered and passed slowly and carefully spreading only to those who are known for protecting Enigmatics. It whispers of a safe haven for children, a camp deep in the woods far from governmental reach that teaches Enigmatic children how to survive and control their Strenghts and Sideffects. This camp is rumoured to be run by escaped Enigmatics and called Camp C.A.R.T.E.R..

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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