Part 40 - Delmar's

Start from the beginning

She turns to look at me, "I've never seen your family before,"

"My mom works all day and then is with her boyfriend all night," I cross my arms.

Michelle looks at me confused, "My parents divorced when I was little," I tell her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," She looks back at the picture and then to me,"So where's your dad?"

"He lives here in Queens, he was just over for dinner last night to see Peter again for the first time in 3 years," I walk towards her, "But we're kinda fighting right now,"

"Gosh, usually I'm the downer," Michelle says.

I smile at her, "Come on, they're gonna be waiting for us,"

I sling my backpack around my shoulder and we walk out the door.


We walk around the corner to Delmar's and I spot Peter and Ned standing in front of the sandwich shop.

Michelle and I walk up to them, "Hey," I say. 

Peter and Ned both turn around to face us, "Hey," Peter replies. He continues to stare at me.

I noticed that Peter had a backpack on too, I'm assuming he had his suit in his just like I had my suit in mine. 

Ned noticed it too, "Did Michelle and I miss the backpack memo?"

Peter snaps out of his gaze, "Huh?"

"Yeah I was wondering that too," Michelle spoke up, "We're just hanging out what do you two need a backpack for?" 

"Uh, I just have some books to return at the uh library," Peter stutters. 

Michelle turns to me, "My camera is in here," was all I could mutter out. 

Ned nods slowly, "OK, well let's go get a sandwich at Delmar's I'm starving." 

Michelle and Ned walk in to the sandwich shop while Peter and I wait behind for a minute. 

"Suit?" I ask Peter. He nods and then motions to my backpack. 

"Yup," I laugh, "You never know," 

I start to walk in but he grabs my hand, "But what about what your dad said?" 

I sighed and looked him in the eyes, "Don't worry, he's not going to do anything drastic," 

He gives me another worried look with his big puppy dog eyes. His hand was still on mine. Finally, he nods and we walk inside. 

I've been in Delmar's many times but Peter had a special friendship with Mr. Delmar. I noticed that Ned and Michelle already ordered their sandwiches while Peter and I walked up to order. 

Mr. Delmar comes to the counter, "Hey, Mr. Parker," 

He takes a glance at me and then looks back to Peter, *"¿Es tu novia de la que siempre hablas?"*

Peter's face turned red, I'm guessing it's because he remembered I spoke and understood Spanish very well. I giggle and turn to Mr. Delmar, **"Sí, soy su novia. Pero yo no sabía que él habla de mí mucho,"**

Mr. Delmar lets out a hearty laugh, "Parker? He talks about you all the time. Every time he comes in here." 

I look at Peter whose face is very red, he looks at me too but then looks away out of embarrassment. I hear laughter behind us and turn around to see Michelle and Ned watching us and cracking up in laughter. 

"So what can I get you guys?" Mr. Delmar asks. 

Peter's face turns back to normal, "Number five with pickles, and can you smoosh it down real flat?"

Mr. Delmar shakes his head laughing, "Peter and his flat sandwiches," he rings up Peter and then turns to me, "And what can I get you?" 

I look at the menu and decide on a simple grilled cheese sandwich, "Number 3 please, with American cheese." 

"You got it," Mr. Delmar rings us both up and then goes to get our sandwiches. 

I turn to Peter, "No need to get all read Peter," I laugh and ruffle his hair with my hands. 

Mr. Delmar returns with our sandwiches. Peter and I reach to grab them but a big explosion shook the entire deli. Peter and I both fall to the ground, while Mr. Delmar grabs his cat and ducks below the counter. 

"Holy shit!" Ned yells. He and Michelle and holding onto their table while the ground shakes. 

Peter gets up first then offers his hand to help me up. While he's helping me up we exchange a look. We both know exactly what the look means. 

I turn to Ned and Michelle, "Hey, we're going to go get a better look at what happened outside," 

Peter and I both sprint out the door leaving Michelle and Ned yelling at us to stop. We look around outside only to find a bunch of people yelling and pointing to the Queens Museum. 

I grab Peter's hand and we run to an alley, "We need to change here," I begin to pull my suit out of my backpack. 

His eyes grow wide, "Wait, together?" his voice squeaked when he said the word 'together'. 

"Yes, we just face away from each other while we change," I turn around and face the other way and Peter does the same. 

I begin to take off my leggings and sweatshirt stuffing them into my backpack. I hear Peter shuffling around behind me. I pick up my suit and slip it over my body, pressing the double 'G' symbol on the chest to make it skin tight. Last, I slip my mouth mask over and put my hair into a pony tail. 

I hear Peter press the spider symbol and his suit tightening around his body. I turn around and face Peter, "Ready?" 

Peter's mask eyes adjust, "Y/N, isn't this the thing your dad doesn't want you to do?" 

I roll my eyes, "Peter, stop worrying about my dad it'll be fine." 

He nods, and I grab his hand and we run out of the alley. 

We race across the town until we get to the Queens Museum. The building is up in flames with many people screaming on the ground and calling 911. 

Peter's thought about my dad crosses my mind. I quickly clear the thought away and I give Peter a quick nod as we both sprint into the fiery building. 


* - "Is this your girlfriend that you're always talking about?"

** - "Yes I am his girlfriend, but I didn't know he talks about me a lot,"





A/N: Uh oh, a fiery building? This can't be good. Thank you guys for all your supportive comments and feedback! I really appreciate them! I am planning on have a total of 45 chapters in this book so only 4 more chapters left ahh. I love you guys so much! 

~ MJ Xx

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