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When we got to my room, I put on my pj’s and got into bed. Cam wore boxers and nothing else. My heart sped up when I saw all his muscles; he had a twelve pack, and biceps like he worked out a lot! He came to lie next to me and pulled me closer to him. He put his arm around my shoulder, so that my head was on his chest.

Then I put my arm around his chest and traced the lines on his chest. When I smelled him, he smelled like the outdoors, pine needles, woods, fresh rain, leaves, and something I couldn’t quite put my mind on it, it had a sweet smell, with a bit of dirt.

“How about lemongrass or perhaps some fruit.” Can offered and then when I smelled it again it smelled the same as what he suggested.

“Yes that is it.” I said and yawned.

“Guess what, Storm is in the room.” Cam whispered. I sighed sat up and looked around the room.

“Storm would you please get out of my room? I need some privacy.” I said and yawned. I looked back at Cam and he nodded as if to say she is out. I went back to lie like I did and closed my eyes, thinking about everything that happened in the past few weeks.

First it was when I met Cam and Damon, then going out with them to all those wonderful places. Then when I got the vision of Storm being kidnapped, then saving her, the new friends I made, the party, the kissing, how it makes me feel, how it tastes and then this perfect moment, wanting it to last forever.

“Then let it last forever, or until morning.” Cam said and I smiled.


In the morning I woke up with Cam looking at me, I blushed as usual and he smiled as usual.

“Good morning.” Cam said and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and said. “Good morning.” And kissed him again, this time he pulled me onto his chest and I felt like I could just melt into him. Then we rolled over and he was on top of me, his lips moved down my jaw, along my neck and straight to my throat. And again my breathing sped up, my heart raced.

Then there came a knock on the door and Storm shouted from the other side. “Hey, you two lovebirds. Wake up, and get dressed we have to go to the beach.” I didn’t feel like going to the beach and Cam shook his head to say he didn’t want either.

 I decided we are going to stay in bed today and just chill here. “You guys go ahead, we are going to stay indoors today.” I shouted back and heard Storm giggle as she started down stairs.

“Fine, enjoy!” She shouted back.

We did nothing until they were gone, otherwise they would tease us and never let it go. After they were gone, we picked up right where we before they interrupted us. He kissed my neck and I pulled his face back to mine and he kissed me on my lips again, and for some reason I keep getting side tracked by the explosion he keeps on making when he kisses me.

 When I could get my breathe again, I looked into his eyes and saw love, not the kind you find  on the road, but actual real life love, that you don’t find anymore, not even in movies and I wondered what he saw in mine.

“Pretty much the same as what you saw in mine, but just a little more fun.” Cam said and lied down on his side.

“What are we going to do this vacation?” I asked him. When he smiled I didn’t know what to expect from him, he was always so full of surprises.

“Whatever you want to do.” He said and smiled, because he knew I didn’t want to hear it.

“Something concrete, please.” I said and he chuckled.

SAPPHIRES!!!! Book 1(the gemstone saga)Where stories live. Discover now