Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Welcome to a world where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. But be wary, child, for this is no mean feat to get by.


The year is 1967.

Delilah Anderson didn't quite like school, but she certainly excelled in all of her classes. Delilah did like to read, however. A lot. Mostly fantasy, science fiction, and the occasional romance to make up for her lack of having a boyfriend. She was 18 years old, which seemed to discourage Delilah's parents. It's not that Delilah was unlovable, because she knew she was quite beautiful, but she had made her decision since she was a little girl to stay away from boys to pursue education and at least a half-decent job for this small, crazy town in Missouri.

The temperature began increasing as the school year came close to an end and Delilah's graduation neared. She had her whole life planned out; go to the college of her choice, find a self-sustaining partner, and settle down with her high-paying job. She found it quite simple, as she got by easily and was certain she'd be accepted at any college she applied to.

With every school comes drama. Drama, and rumors. Myths. There was one silly myth around Delilah's friend group that claimed that saying something to another will make the goblins take them away. Delilah didn't know how to tell her friends that goblins didn't exist, for she had already tried to tell them five times.

"So you tried it last night to your mom?" Abigail, Delilah's friend asked her other friend, Lucy, who nodded.

"I did, but no matter how many times I said it, it didn't work!"

"Hmm," Ellen rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "did you say it right?"

Lucy nodded yet again. "Yes, the exact words."

"Well, it's supposed to work if you say it correctly, so there must have been something you've done wrong." Abigail said, biting into a Pink Lady apple. Delilah shook her head, trying to pay attention to her lunch.

"Maybe it doesn't work on mothers." Lucy said, earning a chuckle from the group except for Delilah, and they noticed.

"You okay, Del?" Ellen asked, tapping her food tray. She looked up, and a slight frown made it's way on her face.

"You know all of this Goblin nonsense isn't true, so why say it?" Delilah asks.

"It's just for fun, Delilah. Oh-" Abigail scribbles something down on a small sheet of paper, folds it, and slides it across the lunch table towards Delilah. "-read this when you get home!"

The bell rung, and everyone took care of their food and grabbed their bags for the next class, everyone bustling about in the hallway.

Sadly, Delilah had no classes with neither Abigail, Ellen, nor Lucy. But this didn't stop her from being involved in her highschool classes. Honestly, none of them were her favorite, but if she had to choose a favorite it would be her reading class, of course. Most students in her school claimed that an A+ couldn't be achieved, yet here she was with a 110% in her favorite class. Is it possible to get a 4.1 gpa? her friends would ask, to which Delilah would reply with a flattered laugh.


The day passed relatively quickly, which Delilah wasn't sure whether she liked or not. It seemed like she learned to ride her bike at 6 just yesterday.

Delilah unlocked the door to her house. It wasn't the biggest of houses, but it was somewhat large, being one story yet with many rooms and hallways. The front door led into the living room, where she set down her bag, and walked into the kitchen and sat at the island counter on an oak stool. Next to her laid a box of crayons and the insides sprawled over a coloring book. Of course, for her little sister. Unable to go to school yet, she stayed at home with their mother who worked at home. Often, Delilah found her things laying around the house. Couldn't go into a room without seeing anything of her sister's, Isabelle's. After all, she was only 2. Delilah was determined to make sure Isabelle would be a good girl-have manners, be polite and organized, respectful, and not so annoying. But, of course, it would be extremely difficult. Isabelle was quite stubborn.

Delilah opened her bedroom door to see a sheet of paper on her bed. She walked over to it, taking off her shoes along the way. A drawing. Four poorly-drawn, blue stick figures in a row trying to hold hands. One had long brown hair, which Delilah assumed was her, another short blonde, and the other two bald for some odd reason. What could one expect from a 2 year old? What did Isabelle want from her? Appraisal? Like Delilah would hang this on the fridge.

Delilah huffed, setting the drawing on her nightstand as she let herself fall on her bed. She glanced to her left, grabbing a pillow of a soot Sprite and hugging it.

After what seemed like a few minutes-Delilah realized she had fallen asleep-she heard a yell from the other room. Her mother calling her name.

"I'm coming!" Delilah yelled back, sliding off her bed and rushing out of her room.

She walked into the kitchen to see her mother and father dressed to go out. Most likely someplace fancy, seeing how they were wearing dresses and suits.

"Delilah, we're going to Andridalagos for our anniversary. We'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Make sure Isabelle is safe and happy." her mother said, messing with her thick blond curls.

Delilah sighed, but nodded. She had forgotten their anniversary and the fact she'd have to babysit. She had never really been good at babysitting, and the children always were on their worst behaviors. Hopefully Isabelle would be an exception.

"Have fun, bye!" Delilah waved as her parents closed the door and walked out to their car. She locked the door and made sure the windows were closed and locked as well. Have to be safe, just in case. She turned back around to face Isabelle.

"What do you want to do?" Delilah asked tiredly. Isabelle's smile widened.



Another hour.

A full hour of tic tac toe.

Weren't children supposed to get bored of things easily? Delilah thought of the goblins and the statement. This also reminded her she had forgotten to read the small slip of paper Abigail had given to her.

"Gah, you win again." Delilah overexaggerated her interest, slapping her hand on the island counter. Isabelle giggled.

"I need to use the bathroom, wait for me." Delilah left to go grab her slip of paper and hid in the bathroom for some privacy. She unfolded it, then immediately grumbled.

All of this goblin rubbish.

Was this actually the statement? Delilah chuckled to herself. It was actually pretty funny. Imagine if she used this as a prank for Isabelle-how scared she would be!

Delilah read it aloud, looking in the mirror. "I wish the goblins would come take you away right now!"

Delilah laughed. It was so childish, maybe if she taught Isabelle to say it she would be "dominant" in preschool. Either that, or feared by everyone.

She folded up the paper again and stuffed it in her blouse pocket. Delilah headed back towards the kitchen.

She stopped suddenly. Where was Isabelle?

"Isabelle? Where'd you go?" Delilah asked. She could see the stool her sister had been sitting was toppled over. Was this simply a game of hide and seek?

Delilah checked every single room. Nothing. No one. She was worried, now. How could something have happened in less than a minute? She headed back to the living room to the telephone but stopped.

In the middle of the room stood a tall man in a cloak of black with a weird hairstyle and intricate designs along the chest and shoulder area. The collar of the cloak reached up to about his ears and then flowed outward. His gloved hands rested on his hips.

The windows were all opened, the curtains waving with the fierce wind. When had there been a storm?

The strange intruder smirked. "Hello, Delilah."

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