"Try me!" Jaehyun warned him but Doyoung didn't flinch at all instead, he just laugh.

"What do you think of me? I'm not a loser." Doyoung rolled his eyes then stood up and leave. Jaehyun followed him, since Ten is not going to show up, it's better to leave.

Yukhei darted his gaze in front and watch their new homeroom teacher how he discuss the lesson. Even in teaching, he's doing a great job and he captured the attention of the entire class and everyone is listening carefully. Though, they're not like this. Mostly, some of them were sleeping and some were not interested because it's boring.

So, it seems that the world's end is coming by just looking at them. It's creepy.

"Right here class, the synonyms of hurt is pain and smart is sharp. How about beautiful?"

"Sir!" Yukhei raised his hand then Johnny eyed him. "Yes please, Yukhei."

"Jungwoo!" he proudly said then grins and to his classmates.

"I'm sorry?" Johnny looks at him in disbelief.

"The synonym of beautiful is Jungwoo. Kim Jungwoo of the higher class sir. Am I right?" Yukhei giggled and his classmate stared at him, not in a judging way.

"Wow, you're not so fucking in love with your boyfriend, don't you?" Donghyun chuckled, his seatmate. He saw Mark laughing hard while giving him a thumbs up, and the girls were laughing too.

"Dude, that's funny!"

"Hey everyone! Let's become Yukhei!"

"Bitch! No thanks! My boyfriend will gonna break up with me if I will become stupid like him!"

"That's not what I mean! Be loyal like him!"

"Loyal my butt! They'll break up later!"

"Yah Wong Yukhei! That's cheesy! You make me cringe!"

His classmates gave different feedback and they are making fun of him, but it doesn't matter. It's the truth anyway.

Yukhei looks at Johnny again in front while wearing a foolish grin and he saw him sigh. This is his other way of showing to the teacher that Jungwoo, which is his other half is not available anymore.

"Well, I understand your undying love for your boyfriend but, be serious Mr. Wong." Johnny said calmly and gave Yukhei a little smile.

"But I'm serious about him sir. I'm not playing around." he answered like a toddler and Johnny could only massage his temple.

"Alright, alright. You may sit."

A victory smile flashed on Yukhei’s face before he decide to sit down, some of his classmates came to him secretly to high five with him. How he wish that Johnny will notice his sign this time, he just wanted him to leave his Jungwoo alone and not bother him anymore.


“What actually happened between you and Mr. Seo?” Yukhei asked Jungwoo in the middle of their meal and the older almost spill his foods. “I’m curious, why aren’t you telling me anything?” he added then lift his gaze to eye Jungwoo.

“I-I told you already, he’s my first l-love.”

“And then? Nothing happened?” his eyebrow raised, not believing Jungwoo’s word. Something’s odd here and he couldn’t help himself to sense that. “Jungwoo.”

“Alright, I’ll tell you later but not now.” Jungwoo pleaded.

“What’s actually the difference of telling me now and later?” Yukhei asked slowly then looked at the older’s eyes. “I want to know what happened.”

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