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C'yarra:so when u and Lahela and dannyale become friends
C'yonna:since when u keep up with my life
C'yonna:u can't get mad at the world cause u got pregnant twice
C'yarra:first of all ain't nobody fucking mad at the world and u wonder why people don't fuck with u
C'yonna:u wonder why your parents disown u
Cashshae:y'all need to calm down
C'yarra:I shouldn't have said shit I should've just left it alone and your stupid ass could've just got raped
C'yonna:that's why your dumbass did get raped
She walked out the room and slammed the door
Khamari:say why u been so distant
Khamari:u do know what's wrong
Khamari:yes there is
Khelanee:I'm Fr it's nothing
Khamari:your usually happy something's bothering u
I just broke down and started crying he pulled me into a hug and I laid my head on his shoulder
Khamari:tell me what's bothering u
Khelanee:someone touched on me then kidnapped me
Khelanee:plz don't tell anyone
Khamari:mane tell me who tf did
Khamari:Tell me
Khamari:cause I just wanna know
Khelanee:no u don't u gonna try to go fight him
Khamari:noooooooo I just wanna talk to him
5 weeks later
Mellannie:did u try asking for them back
Khelanee:so let me get this straight u went to sleep then he came in and found sum pills and he took them
C'yarra:uh huh
I said putting the hair in the packaging
Khelanee:well will u get to see him on his birthday
I shrugged my shoulders
Oanna:well u need to do something productive with your life
I said closing my eyes
I woke up to someone tapping me
Mama mama
I opened my eyes and Chance was standing infrot of me I hugged him tightly
Before I could say anything He faded away like that
Then there was a knock at the door I opened it and it was star
C'yarra:how may I help u
Star:I heard what I happened I'm sorry
Star:I hope everything gets better
Star:see ya later ig
Before I could say by her lips connected with mine
Star:omg I'm so sor-
C'yarra:god ik she did not just kiss me
I closed the door and sat on the bed and just thought about life i looked in the mirror and took a picture of myself and posted on ig then read the comments

eOanna⭐️5 weeks later Mellannie:did u try asking for them back C'yarra:yesKhelanee:so let me get this straight u went to sleep then he came in and found sum pills and he took themC'yarra:uh huh I said putting the hair in the packaging Khelanee:wel...

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♥️267,434. 💬5,456
H.B.I.C.CB I'm in a pissy mood I miss my babies😢

Trillsammy omg🙄

Dreamdoll me too😭

Username where are they?

Username fine ass😍

Jaycritch if u pay me 50 dollars I'll give them too u I just wanna verify I did not steal her kids

H.B.I.C.CB @Jaycritch Fr

I WISH ( UNDER CONSTRUCTION 🚧 )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora