In which, we get a new witch.

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~3rd person pov~

Anaia Quinn Potter sat groggily at the breakfast bar, eating a bowl of cereal. She had never been a morning person, often staying up so late into the night that she could hear the songbirds waking up to start the day. Needless to say, she was exhausted, but that was nothing new. She had been staring absentmindedly at the wall for a while when a hand suddenly came in contact with her face.

"Pbbt," she made a strange noise before looking up at the culprit. "Oh, good morning, Father."

"Morning, Quinny. What are your plans for today, dear?" Her father, Kenneth Potter, asked while scanning the newspaper in his hand. Anaia loved her father more than anyone on the planet and, despite the trouble that seemed to follow her, he loved her just as much.

Anaia had been a handful growing up and she knew she wasn't the easiest person to talk to. She couldn't count the amount of times her father had to come to school because she had been thrown out of class. She had never been good at thinking before she spoke, or rather, she had never been good at thinking twice before she spoke. She almost always said the first thing that popped into her head, no matter how ill-timed it seemed. Most of her teachers found it exasperating to say the least.

Despite her bad talking habits, she was a quiet girl. She had a hard time trusting people and would rather be alone than with a group of friends. Not that she had enough friends to create a group. Her classmates thought she was rude and standoffish and only associated with her when absolutely necessary.

There was only one person besides her father that didn't immediately judge her, at least not negatively. Her best and only friend, Lila Hunter, was a little firecracker. She was expressive and popular and loyal to those she cared about. She had been the one person to come and talk to her when she started school. Lila was 2 years older than Anaia and incredibly smart. She was almost perfect in Anaia's eyes. Her only problem was her time management skills. They were non existent and Anaia could help but wonder how she managed to keep such good grades.

"I was hoping we could go school shopping, since I have to go back there," she said quietly, staring at her now mushy cereal.

Just as her father opened his mouth to respond, a soft thud was heard through the house. Her dad's girlfriend, Michelle, came running in not a second later.

"Kenneth, dear, what was that? You're not hurt are you?"

Kenneth left and returned from the living room a moment later, followed by an owl. It would have been gorgeous, had it not been ruffled from running into the window. It was grey with piercing yellow eyes that seemed to dart around the room nervously. Michelle was terrified of it.

"Why do you have an owl following you?! What's it doing in our house?!" Michelle shrieked, obviously distressed by the owl's presence.

"Now calm down, dear. I think the letter it's holding will answer your questions." Anaia was sitting off to the side, wondering how her father could be so calm in this situation.

The owl flew around a bit as if looking for something before coming to a rest on the counter. Directly in front of Anaia. It stared at her with its bright eyes before holding up his leg. Anaia was surprised to see that the leg had an envelope tied to it. She slowly reached out and removed the envelope from its leg.

"What's it say, Quinny?" She practically hear the excitement in her father's voice.

"It says, 'Anaia Potter, Second Stool, 1905 Lapis Ln, Virginia Beach'." To say she was confused was an understatement. Slowly, she turned and quietly said, "Father? What is this?"

Kenneth simply waved his hands and said, "Keep reading," practically vibrating with poorly concealed excitement.

Kenneth simply waved his hands and said, "Keep reading," practically vibrating with poorly concealed excitement

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