Chapter 3

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"How long is it to the next village?" I moaned "Woman if you don't stop complaining I will ring your neck!" A very annoyed Bakura said. We have been traveling for a long time, and there was nothing to do, not even a single drop of wine to keep me sane "It's so boring, we've been riding for ages!" I whined "Well what do you exactly want me to do about it? We've been up since the crack of dawn, it won't be long until we've reached the village. So, suck it up sweet cheeks!" "sweet cheeks?" I asked. Bakura sighed "since I don't know your name I'll call you every possible name I can think up for you" "Then just ask me numb nuts!" "fine what is your name" "Nefetari" I told him. He looked down at me, eyebrow raised "such an unusual name for a blue-eyed lady" "and Bakura's not?" "Ha ha you got me there" bakura chuckled looking back up.

Time went by and it was starting to become dusk, I faintly saw a village up ahead slowly lighting up with torches "looks like we've arrive" Bakura said "Thank Ra for that" I yawned "Looks like someone's tired" Bakura chuckled. I stared up at him "you try not sleeping on a horse when it's between galloping and walking" "That's exactly what I've done" bakura said looking down at me. Oh, my sweet heaves this man is beautiful, the light from the sun setting didn't help with my admiration of him. Hearing him chuckled he said "why are you staring at me like that? Are you trying to look into my soul?" A-ah n-no nothing like that" I stuttered looking forward blushing. Bakura rested his chin on my shoulder looking at me "Your face is red... coming down with something?" He asked putting a hand on my forehead "hm, no sudden change in temperature... are you embarrass being with me" he teased. I blushed even more "s-stop messing with me" I huffed at him. He chuckled again "well looks like we're here" Bakura announced. I looked at what he was talking about... are those... ladies of the night? "s-so that's why you made me bathe" "Hm? No, I made you bathe because you were messy and because I wanted to see you naked" Bakura grinned "damn pervert" I muttered.

Bakura got off the horse first, and then helped me down "c'mon, there's someone I want you to meet" Bakura said as he pulled me along into, what I assumed to be, the brothel. Upon entering there were so many women crowded at the bottom of the staircase "Oh my, Bakura you've returned!" One-woman yelled and then in a blink of an eye I was pushed away from Bakura as the group of women crowded him. I couldn't make out what they were asking him but he sure seemed to be blushing and smiling slightly 'what an innocent smile' I thought 'there's no way someone as harsh as himself could look so innocent' "I see you made yourself at home" a voice called out. I looked up and saw a tall man, roughly the same height as Bakura, he had sandy blond hair spiked up in different directions and his rough purple eyes staring at Bakura "Ah Malik so there you are" Bakura chimed getting out of the crowed of women. I stared at Malik "Malik? As in Malik Ishtar?" I asked. He stared down at me, a slight smile on his face "I wondered how long it would of took for you to remember my name, Nefertari" I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head against his bare chest, hearing him chuckle he placed a hand on top of my head "My dearest Nefi how you've grown, such a beauty you are" I looked up at him "I'm not that much to be classed as beauty Malik" "Ah, so I see, the old man had been up to no good again" I unwrapped my arms from around him and looked down to the ground, Malik got down to my height and placed both hands on my cheeks making me look up at him "I deeply apologise my dear, I have been gone for too long to keep you out of harm's way" "it's okay Malik, you have your own business to attend to" I assured him. He nodded, kissing my forehead and looked at Bakura "so thief, what is it that you need me for now?" He questioned. Bakura stared at Malik "it's about the girl, her father was supposed to send word of the about the items I've requested" "oh well there is no way of you getting what you require, as the poor old fool has shut himself away in the palace, with many of my ladies too might I add, so if you want something from him you'll just have to find a way of getting in" Malik explained. Hearing Bakura sigh in annoyance he asked "isn't there some sort of even the Pharoah is or has planned?" "actually, now that you mention it, there is. He's planned a party to find himself a bride which conveniently starts tomorrow night, plenty of time to find yourselves what to wear" Malik claimed, with a small smile on his face. Bakura groaned "I don't like parties, there far too loud" "that's why you won't be going into the party, I have the palace blueprints one of my girls stole while doing her business with the architect" Malik laughed slightly. My shoulders slumped slightly 'how can he be so calm about this' I thought. Bakura looked over at me "looks like someone needs to sleep" "but I want to know what happens tomorrow" I yawned. Bakura chuckled, walked over and picked me up "you can know about it all tomorrow, but for now, you must sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow" "goodnight sweet desert flower" Malik chimed, giving a quick kiss on the forehead. I yawned again, snuggling my head against Bakura's shoulder "good night Maliku" and fell asleep on Bakura.


I placed a sleeping Nefertari in bed and covered her over with my robe 'I feel like a father putting their child to bed' I thought. Looking at Nefertari's sleeping face, I put a hand on her right cheek, my thumb traced the scar on her soft skin "why would someone who claims to love his children still harm you" I mumbled "that's because he's a bastard" Malik said. I looked over my shoulder at him, he was resting against the doorframe, arms folded over his chest, his purple eyes staring at me "He only loves his older three daughters, mainly because they don't have the backbone to stand up to him and fight, but also because of their beauty they can get him the richest men in Egypt to partner up with him on his corrupt trading business he cherishes" Malik calmly said, I can see the anger in his eyes when he spoke about someone who was so low "So why her? Why abuse the youngest" I asked looking back down at Nefertari. I don't know why I wanted to know so much about this woman, annoying as she can be, I still can't help but feel intrigued by her. "well since you're asking so nicely, I will tell you, but-" "Malik! Quick the palace guards are outside, they're looking for Bakura" a girl interrupted 'shit' I thought 'I made sure we got here without being noticed' "okay, keep them busy for me while I get our guest here out in one piece" Malik told her, she nodded and left. Malik turned back to me "you must get out of here, don't worry about Nefertari, I'll keep her safe" I nodded and without thinking I went down to Nefertari and kissed her forehead "make sure they don't grab her and interrogate her" I warned Malik before heading toward the window about to jump out "she will be safe in my hands, besides, it's nice seeing the slight weak side of you" Malik teased. I blushed slightly and stuck the middle finger up at him "piss off" and jumped out the building, conveniently landing in a pile of hay.


I took one look at Nefertari before shutting and locking the door and headed to the front of house "My, my what do we have here? Palace guards?" I claimed staring at the young men in front of me "We have been given word that the thief was in the village" a guard claimed "and you came here, of all places, to see if he's here? Oh, how rude of you" I pouted "look here fool, we do not have much time, we have been told that the thief, and the woman that we have been looking for, had made their way here" another said. I raised an eyebrow at them 'fool? Now that's low even for them' "and why, on Ra's name, do you believe that person? For all you know you could have been misled" "that's where you're wrong Inn keeper, it was one of your girls who had told us this, and as I'm aware if you have been helping the thief, you have turned your back against our Pharaoh and that means you'll have your own prison in the dungeons" "I don't believe the Pharaoh would like to hear that you've put one of his trusted companions in prison" I claimed "Does not matter, if you help the thief, you turn your back on Egypt" as much as I hated the guards, they do bring in quite a bit of gold in for me for me to keep this place open. Sighing in defeat I told them "There was a man who came through here, although, he kept his cloak hood up. I cannot tell you what he looked like as I do not know. There's also a woman here, but she's just a stray so I'm taking care of her, poor thing probably doesn't know where her family is" I lied through my teeth. Someone such as me would never lie, but for the sake of my friend and the thief I couldn't help myself. Hearing the guard scoff at my words "you best not be lying to us" "now would I deceive you" I asked, grin on my face. Shortly after someone ran into the building, slamming the door open 'my damn door!' I thought angrily, you may think it's silly to think about a door but this door cost me so much hard work and money you just don't understand!

I glared at the foolish person who barged into my home "I saw the thief. He's headed towards the desert" he said trying to catch is breath. The guards then nodded and headed out "We best not find out you've been catering to a criminal, Malik" "you best leave now, otherwise you'll lose him" I mocked. The guard then closed the door behind him. I sighed and made my way back to the room Nefertari was to check up on her. Unlocking the door and popping my head in the fairly candle lit room, she was still curled up in a ball on the bed under Bakura's wine red cloak, she looked so peaceful and angelic despite her scars. I came near the bed, bringing a chair close and sitting on it, I watched as her body risen and fell as she breathed and her hands curling into fists on the cloak. Poor girl had a hard life but it's all a matter of time when everything will change.

I pondered "I do hope you break the ice that surrounds his heart Nefertari, and I do pray he protects you more than I ever could" I said as if I was talking to her. She stirred in her sleep, so I held onto her hand, giving it a light squeeze and rubbed my thumb over the back on her hand. Sitting that way for a while until I fell asleep. 

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