Waking up to gun shots

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     Bang! Bang! Bang! I woke up to gun shots again the next morning and tried staying low with my little brother . In the hood someone was always doing a drive by, either for a person Who owed money or gangs shooting at each other. You better hope you weren't at the wrong place at the wrong time.

                Last week little Betty down the street got cap in the middle of a drive by while going after her ball in the middle of the street. She was shot in the chest for no reason by people she didn't know. Word on the street is her parents can't afford a funeral since, the mom was a crack head and the daddy work two jobs barely, enough to support themselves. This is how life is in the hood. People didn't expect us to succed in life, we where expected to die soon or turn to drugs while in poverty so, that's what most of us did. If you were lucky you got a scholarship for sports or found a decent job and dropped out of school since no one really graduated anymore.

How was anyone going to succed when our lives was basically set up for failure? I check if the coast was clear and went to get ready for school. My mom left pancakes, eggs, and orange juice on the table. I thought of all the stereotypes who think all blacks drink koolaid, eat fried chicken, or did drugs all the time, they couldn't been more wrong. I made sure my brother made it to school safetly and contiued on the way to school meeting my friend Arron half way.

          "So did you heard that the cops aressted Freddy for having weed and now he got six months in jail for it but he was hanging out with the white kid Tommy, and Tommy only got a week in jail when he is the one who brought the weed" Arron said.

                  I laughed. We heard stories about this all the time since there is a lot of racist cops out their and they automatically blame the blacks kids. For the last months on the news we heard stories about cops killing blacks kids claiming self-defense(total bullshit). They would only get suspensions for a week since they are cops and work for the county who would been charged.

    We kept walking for another few minutes while talking back and forth until we reach the school that look like a prison.

*{Sorry for the short chapter but it gets longer along the way so bear with me} *

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