Finally home

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              I finally arrived home after those two periods. The only reason i didn't skip because i got to see my crush in their. I began to make myself some lunch(a sandwhich i know I'm an amazing chef) when their was a knock on my door. Thomas (abused neglected whit kid mentioned earlier) sprawled on my floor all bruised and tattered.
                "Not again Thomas" i said with pity in my eyes. "Explains why i didn't see you today in school" i said trying to lighten the mood as i dragged him in.
                      I grabbed the med kit and began fixing him up. "Wanna tell me what happened this time". He held up his finger and shoved my sandwich in his mouth and began chewing. If he wasnt already beaten up and like a little brother to me i would have sported him another black eye. You could see the hunger is his pool of mud eyes and the dirt in his disheveled brown hair.
              "Pops drank all the beer again and blamed that i did it so he beat me up and told me to stay out till i brought him another case of beer" Tommy said.
                  I was tired of him getting abused but their was still nothing i could do about it. Not until he was 18 could he leave his abusive home. I handed him some pain killers and told him I would be back but i have to go pick up my brother from school.

         While walking home with my little brother i saw a gang of guys ahead of us. I really wish i could avoid them but that was the only way to go through to get home. They stopped me as i passed by asking for some cash. I told them i didn't have any so the 3 guys tried jumping me for my air forces as i told ny brother to run home. Now i wasn't the next Mike Tyson but i could fight.
                    I doged a punch and uppercutted him. The other used this distraction and threw a punch busting my lip. I knocked one out so 2 were left. I suckered punch one while kicking the other in the stomache and he fell to the floor. I guess my brother called Aaron because be came running as soon as the guy pulled out a blade. I miss the first two swipes but not the third so i got sliced in the side of my stomache.
            Aaron finally arrived and put him out. We walked back to my place while he attempted to fix me up. You might wonder why didn't i go to the hospital. Well i don't want the cops on me plus this is a ghetto neighborhood were fights happen all the time so they would probably come down shoot first then ask questions later. Also i don't need anything on my record since it's already hard to find a job for poor people like me. I popped an advil and drifted off to sleep for school.

SurvivingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz