Chapter 2

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After finishing my last test of the day I walked towards the auditorium and started preparing for musical practice. I'm in love with this musical. Beauty and the Beast is so much fun! I was casted as Belle a month and a half ago, right before Christmas break. Since then I've learned all my lines and I've mastered the choreography.

Practice was smooth sailing and afterwards I jogged down to the Track. I let my built up emotions from lunch out with the run. Meets start in 2 weeks and I don't feel like I'm ready. I just need to find more time to run... maybe once I'm done with dance tonight I can squeeze in a run...

Finally after my run I headed off to dance. The classes flew by and before I knew it I was prepping for another run. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone before heading out and running around town.

Michaels P.O.V.

I was heading home when I noticed a young girl jogging down the street. At first I didn't put much thought into it. Why should I care about some girl running at 10 in the evening? But once I looked in my rear view mirror to see that the girl running was the one and only Penelope Rivors I instantly slammed my foot on my brakes. I put my car in reverse and rolled down my window before my car came to a stop.

"Well what do we have here? Penelope Rivors shouldn't you be studying?" I smirked. However as soon as I saw her face my smirk faltered. "Hey, princess what's wrong?"

She obviously didn't like the pet name because she scoffed. "Just leave me alone Michael. I still have another two miles to run." She wiped her bloodshot eyes and I sighed.

"Get in the car." This wasn't up for debate. I was not going to let her continue to run this late at night. Not happening on my watch. If she was kidnapped I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could have stopped it.

"Please, me get in a car with you? You must be crazy." She rolled her eyes and continued to jog. I continued to drive next to her.

"Penelope why are you running for distance anyways? You're a sprinter." This shocked her.

"How would you know Clifford? You keepin tabs on me?" It was her turn to smirk and my turn to roll my eyes.

"Kinda hard not to when all I ever see or hear about is how fast your times are. Everyone says your going to beat records this year with all of the time and energy your putting into running." She smiled to herself, you could tell she was proud.

"Michael, please let me finish my last two miles. It's getting late." She was exhausted and I could tell.

"Penelope, I'm telling you right now you aren't winning this battle. Get in the car so I can take you home." She stopped jogging and looked at me. Tears started streaming down her face. "'No, princess please don't cry." I immediately parked my car and ran to the other side. Shit shit shit... I barely know this girl.. what the hell am I supposed to do.

Penelope's P.O.V.

Michael rushed to my side and I could tell he didn't know what to do. Hell, I didn't know what to do. I don't cry in front of people, I don't let my guard down at all. Not even Ellason has seen me upset. And yet here I am with the schools bad boy Michael Clifford while the beginning of a panic attack forms.

Michael eventually pulls me into his arms once he notices that I can't breathe. We stay like this for a while. He runs his fingers through my hair in attempt to calm me down. Once I'm calm he picks me up and puts me in the passenger seat of his car.

"Alright princess, where's your house?" Michael questions. That's honestly the last place I want to be. Between the fights and the abuse I just can't stand it.

"Umm... just go straight... I'll direct you from the stop lights up town..." I looked down and picked at my nails, a nervous habit I've developed over the years.

I can't believe I just showed one of the most vulnerable parts of myself to Michael Clifford... how could I be so stupid? I look over to see Michael biting his lip and randomly glancing at my fingers. I instantly stop what I'm doing. I will not let him know about all of me. He still doesn't know that I don't eat. He still doesn't know why I broke down. Everyone has breakdowns.

Well... everyone but Penelope Rivors.

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