The Underclassman | TKB Contest Entry

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If freshmen want to survive high school, that is the most important rule to abide by. All freshmen are told that upperclassmen want one thing from them. Repeatedly the underclassmen have been shown that nothing good comes out of dating upperclassmen. 

Poet Evans, or Poe, is an Indigo Beach HS junior.  Everyone knows her and she knows everyone. She prides herself on remembering every incoming freshman's name. At the beginning of the year, the new wave of freshmen came and Poe couldn't help but notice someone among them.  He immediately caught her eye.  She smiled to herself, realizing she'd be looking for him every day forward.

Later in the year,  the freshman,  Micah, hadn't ceased to plague her memory.  Micah had tried out for the track team and made it.  Shamelessly, Poe put herself in the front row of every one of his meets.  Now, after several weeks of watching him in his races, this would be her last time seeing him like this. 

"Poe," her friend, Kinsley, started. "This is the last track meet of the season, you should say something to him."

Poe frowned, looking away from Micah on the field.  "Upperclassmen don't date freshmen, Kins."

Kinsley let out a laugh, "I'm not saying you have to go ask him out.  Just go and say something.  You're at all of his meets.  You cheer for him, you congratulate him for every one of his races won, and he smiles at you when he sees you from across the field.  Are you really going to let a dumb unwritten rule stand in your way of getting to know that boy, and possibly something more?"

'She's right,' Poe thought. She glanced away from her friend, and back to Micah on the feel.  Frowning, she realized he was no longer in the same spot.

"Hey, Poet."  Poe jumped at the new voice, quickly hopping to her feet. A big smile etched it's way onto her face as she met Micah's auburn eyes.  She shyly brushed a piece of her curly hair behind her ear.

"Hi, Micah."  She paused for a moment, still contemplating whether or not she should take her friend's advice.  "I was looking for you on the field a second ago."

"Were you?" He asked, surprised.

"Yea. I wanted to--um--ask you something." She stumbled on her words nervously.

"Really?  I wanted to ask you something too."

Poe's eyes widened before saying, "You go ahead, then!"

Suddenly, Micah looked nervous.  He ran his hand through his hair, resting it on the back of his neck. Poe held in her squeal of excitement at his next words.

"I was wondering if you, maybe, wanted to go out this weekend?" He asked nervously.

A smile stretched out on Poe's face. "Does it bother you that I'm a junior?" she asked, afraid of the answer.

"Not if it doesn't bother you that I'm a freshman."

Rules are made to be broken, right?

The Underclassman | #TKBMovieContest Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin