Taking The Baby Home

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FP Jones

"Take it easy baby." FP helped you up as if you were an elderly. Ever since the birth, he'd made sure that everything you did, was done with ease.

"I'm fine, I'll carry the bag, you carry the car seat." You told him. He gripped onto it with one hand and held yours with the other.

"It's gonna feel so different having her there for real." He admitted.

"You better stick to your promise Jones, I'm not doing this alone." You warned, going over to the reception and signing out.

"One drink every night. I can do it." He reassured you. Once you made it to the truck, FP took his place in the drivers seat and you sat in the back with Ruby-Jo. You were going insane when he barely went over fifteen miles an hour.

"Put your foot down a little harder babe." You groaned, adjusting the pacifier in your daughter mouth.

"We're going to get pulled over for going to slow." You continued and then he managed to pick up he speed a little.

"I just want everything to go slow and nice."

Jughead Jones

Arrow was in his baby stroller, fast asleep, while you and Jughead gathered up your final things. 

"Are you sure it's a good idea to be walking home?" Your mom asked with a raised eyebrow. She had asked the same thing at least ten times in the past two minutes.

"I need some fresh air mom. Arrow can see the outside for the first time. If he wakes up." You smiled, taking a quick picture of him.

"We'll meet you back at the Southside." FP hugged you both and then headed out with your mom.

"Maybe one day we can have our own trailer." You sighed, gripping onto to the bars of the stroller. Jughead smirked.

"If I told you that while we were in hospital that Betty and Archie converted the babies nursery into a new trailer for the two of us, would you believe me?" He asked while you headed out of the hospital.

"Are you kidding?" You were mind blown. He shook his head and you threw your arms around him.

"You hear that Arrow? Your daddy is scoring points already."

Sweet Pea

Each twin was in their separate car seats, fast asleep. It had been a long four month process in the hospital, but now they were finally allowed to go home.

"Look at what your uncle Fangs did Roman." You grinned, lifting him out of their seats and putting him into his crib. Sweet Pea doing the same with Aurora. Fangs had decorated the walls with really cute photos of you and Sweet Pea along with others, just to make the room full of family.

"It's about time they were in their own beds." Sweet Pea stood with his arm draped across you shoulder as you stood in the middle of the twins room.

"We can bring their cribs into our room for the first few months." You told him and he nodded.

"I'm so glad we're finally home Y/N, as a family." Sweet Pea kisses your temple.

"Go get some rest babe, I'll bring their cribs through." He smiled and you kissed him. Your bedroom had fresh sheets which you thanked god for because it made the room ten times more comfier.

"Baby number one." Sweet Pea put Roman on your side and then did the same with Aurora. It was so much better being home again. 

Fangs Fogarty

"Her outfit is super cute." You admired your daughter who was in your boyfriends arms, slowly falling asleep.

"She'll be in a serpent jacket soon." Fangs smirked and you rolled your eyes. You then zipped up the hospital bag that had helped you with your necessities.

"Toni is on her way." He told you, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm glad we're going home. I've been sick of these walls for the past four days." You groaned, sitting down and tying your laces.

"It was totally worth it though." You carried on. There was a knock on the door and Toni came through, taking Sky from her best friends arms and cradling her.

"The car seat is ready, all we need now is to get you home." She smiled, walking out.

"Let's go babe." Fangs smiled, lacing his hand with yours and taking the bag from you.

Serpents Baby SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora