Chapter 4

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A/N Shoutout to @grace_heartbeat for liking and commenting :* okay that's it hope you enjoy reading and remember to be grateful for the little things <3 :) !!

0130 at Kate Arnett's house

Just as Lilla was starting to get to know Danika better, and visa versa, there was a know on the door.

"I'll get it!" Danika exclaimed as she jumped up and practically ran to the door. Lilla just smiled, Danika was so thoughtful and worried about her and they'd only just met!

"Oh, hello Danika!" Lilla heard an unfamiliar voice say from the hall. "What are you doing here?"

"I was delivering the food parcels and Lilla invited me in." She explained.

"Ah! I was just coming to see Lilla actually!" The voice said.

Lilla tensed up. Who even was that?!

A strangely familiar woman came into Lilly's sight by rounding the corner to the kitchen on the right of the hall.

"Hi!Lilla isn't it?" She said. Her voice was one of those voices that just feels like home. Lilla warmed to her, at least on the inside, almost imeadiately.

"Yeah." Lilla answered with wistfulness evident in her voice.

"Well, I'm Rachel, Jessie's sister?" Rachel said, holding out a work worn but delicate hand.

"Nice to meet you." Lilla smiled shyly, shaking the offered hand tentatively.

"Just thought I'd introduce myself and check up on you like I promised Jessie." Rachel grinned. "D'you need anything babe cos I was just about to go to the shop?"

"Um, actually, could you get some, you know, food staples. Milk, bread, that sorta thing?" Then Lilla paused for a moment. "Actually it doesn't matter! I don't have any money!"

"It's fine sweetheart. Of corse ill get you some food! Anything else or just some ingredients?"

"Um, no, I'm fine. Thank you so much though!"

"Okay then, I better be off then so I can pick up Peter from nursery! Nice to finally meet you! Goodbye!"

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