Chapter Two

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It was the D-day.

Dylan stopped just outside the café, taking in a deep breath. It's been a while since he was this nervous. Was he ready for this. Ready or not, it was too late to turn back then.

He adjusted his t-shirt before walking in. He'd decided on casual, a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He looked around and spotted Paula at a window booth at the far corner. She was seated next to Tim and another man sat across from them. He'd only agreed to do it if Paula could stay, so it became a double date.

He studied his blind date as he walked to them. Paula chose well, the man was his exact type. Short blonde hair, smaller than him and cute as hell. He grinned as he regained his confidence. Maybe this could work.

"Hey," He greeted sitting next to his date. The man turned to him, blue eyes smiling. Yes, Paula knew him well.

"Dylan, this is Warren... Warren, meet Dylan," Paula introduced.


Fifteen minutes later and he was bored out of his mind. What had Paula been thinking? What had he been thinking?

It would have been great meeting Warren in a club. He would have been a great one night stand. Now he'd completely lost interest. Looking close the guy wasn't even a natural blonde. All Warren could talk about was the fashion house he worked at and he was not in the least bit interested. Paula shot him narrow glares as he released yet another sigh.

"That's great," He said turning to look to the door. The small answers fooled the guy into thinking he was paying attention. A trick he'd learnt worked wonders. The door swung open and a group of four walked in. And there he was...

The man from valentines night, he was laughing at something one of his companions said and Dylan's heart raced. The man was even more gorgeous than he remembered. He studied...what was his name again?


Yeah that's what that girl called him the other night.

Logan's sandy brown curls kept flowing to his face as he laughed at what his friend said. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, but what really got to him was the black jacket. It fit him in all the right places, showing all his delicious muscles.

Dylan kept stealing glances to the table the group occupied all through his date. It was probably rude, but he couldn't help himself.

"Excuse me, i'll be right back," he said getting up and heading to the washroom. Maybe he just needed to clear his head up a little. He went straight to the sink to wash his face, his mind completely preoccupied by Logan.

What was wrong with him? The guy was probably straight. Certainly straight, considering the woman he'd been with on Valentine's Day.

"It's not polite to stare,"

Dylan jumped at the voice. He'd not heard anyone walk in. He closed the tap and turned, only to freeze when he recognized the speaker. A blush rose to his cheeks as he realized he'd been caught.

"I... Uh... "

"Don't worry about it," Logan said as he walked closer. Dylan moved back with every step until he was flush against the sinks. There was literally an inch separating them and since Logan was taller than him, he had to tilt his head so he could meet his eyes.
"So, I never did get your name," he said the timbre in his voice making Dylan shiver. He felt his dick twitch as he answered.

"Dylan Harrison."

"Nice to meet you Dylan, I'm Logan Mitchel," he said with a satisfied grin. He lifted his right hand and traced the side of Dylan's collar and to his cheek.
"So, Mr. Harrison... When am I taking you out for dinner?"

Dylan's breath hitched at the question... If you could call it that. He'd not expected that. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Oh, speech just had to fail him at that particular moment, didn't it?

"It's okay," he moved back sliding a business card into his pocket jeans. "Call me tonight and I'll pick you up."

With that said Logan turned to leave. He opened the door but turned to him before leaving.

"See you soon sexy."

Then he was gone.

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