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As I walked down the street the cold air brushed my cheeks like sheets of ice I quickly ran into the apartment block and up to the lift pressing number 5 and the doors closed.

"Hey babe" I smiled as I walked into my room mate sat down on the sofa watching tv

"You ok" Ella smiled

Ella is my best friends and flat mate we had lived in central London for almost 2 years now.

My name is Chloe nightingale I'm 21 years old 5'3 and I'm very small built, I'm basically a midget but obviously not really.

My life is mostly taken up by YouTube and my YouTube channel I run with just over 2 million subs to say that being a youtuber is stressful is an understatement but I do love it at the end of the day.

Ella and I have been best friends since we where 4 years old and literally have been inseparable ever since, when I made the decision to move to London to help with my YouTube career Ella said she would move with me no questions asked which is why I love her.

Me and Ella are every different she's tall with light blonde hair and green eyes where as I'm very short very long chocolate brown hair and blue eyes, my older sister also lives in the apartment with us although she is never here, her name is freya and she is 24 years old.

Freya's boyfriend josh is a YouTube sensation he is part of a group called the sidemen and also runs his own channels to he's lived in London for almost 5 years and Freya is round his most of the time.

I sat watching as Ella tried on numerous dresses skirts and tops trying to pick an outfit for a birthday party we have tomorrow night

"That one deffo" I said looking her up and down approving of the white dress she wore

"You sure" she twirled in the mirror as I heard the front door open

"Chloe.. Ella" I heard Harry's voice from the living room

"In Ella's room" I smiled as I saw Harry walk towards the bedroom and place himself down behind me on the bed resting his head on my shoulder

"You look nice Ell" he nodded at the outfit Ella had on

Harry was also my best friend we where very close I had known him for about 5 years now and we literally done everything together, he was also part of the sidemen along with Freya's boyfriend josh and 5 other boys Simon Ethan JJ Vick and Tobi

"You girls excited for tomorrow" Harry asked

"Yes of corse are you"

"Yea I cant wait the lads have decorated the house and got a dj booth and stuff" Harry said slightly jumping up and down on the bed

When Harry said the house he meant the sidemen house where 4 of the sidemen lived the house was huge and where most of the partying was done.

Ella walked into her bedroom to change out the dress as I made my way into my own bedroom flopping down on my bed scrolling though my phone as Harry done the same.

"Can I ask what your doing here" I laughed as he lay on the bed in silence

"The lads are filming and need my room for something so I said I would come down here for an hour" I nodded my head

Harry literally lived in the flat above us with 2 other lads who all done YouTube as well

I jumped off my bed changing quickly into an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts I found on the floor which I actually think are Harry's jumping under my duvet and turning on the tv flicking through the channels trying to find something to watch.

"HARRY POTTER"Harry screamed beside me

"Alright calm down" I laughed patting Harry's arm as I put on Harry Potter

I shifted into the middle of the bed a little more throwing my arm over Harry's chest he knew exactly what I wanted and began to tickle up and down my arm, it didn't take long before I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke the next morning to the sound of the front door opening jumping out of bed to see harry still asleep on the other side I made my way into the kitchen to see Freya standing with the kettle on.

"Morning... tea" Freya asked holding up a mug I nodded my head and smiled as I took a seat in the chair round the breakfast bar.

"Why you home so early" I asked Freya rubbing my eyes and looking at the clock.

"You told me to be remember" confused I looked at Freya until it dawned on me I told her I needed to film a video with her before we headed out tonight.

"Oh yea" I laughed as she placed a cup of tea down in front of me

Freya made her way over to my bedroom door opening it and walking inside and quickly making her way back to the kitchen

"Why dose harry always fall asleep here instead of making the 2 second journey up stairs" she laughed throwing the hoodie over her head that had been hanging up behind my door.

"God knows he's lazy" I laughed jumping off the stool and making my way to my bedroom to get ready to film.

I placed 2 chairs in front of the camera as me and Freya sat down

"Hey guys and welcome back to my channel today I am joined by my sister Freya and today we are doing something a bit different we are going to do the sister tag" I smiled into the camera

"So you guys have sent in your questions and me and Freya are going to try and answer them for you today"

I flicked through my phone to find the first question

"Do you guys ever argue" I read

"Emm not really if we do it's normally over clothes or makeup" Freya laughed as I agreed with her moving on to the next question.

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