" She's pretty banged up. " he says with concern.

" and your telling me this why? "

" Can I talk to Scott? " he asks impatiently.

" Sure but why didn't you just call his phone? "

" He wouldnt answer. "

I Walk over to the table "its for you" I say and hand the phone to Scott.

Scott talks for a moment then hangs up. As soon as he does he hands me my phone and jumps up.

" It's Cora She's hurt, I have to go" says scott.

"Whose Cora ? " asks Malia.

" Cora is Dereks Sister. " Says Scott.

" Im coming to. " Says Stiles.

When he says that Malia just gives him a look like wtf you doing.

"Scott we have a test next Period" says Kira.

"Scott you better stay we can't have our Alpha flunk out" Says Stiles.

"But der-" Says Scott, but Stiles interrupts.

" Will be fine, will figure it out. "

"Your not going alone "Says Malia.

"I'll go. " I say reassuringly.

" Ok " says Stiles. "plus you have a test" he says talking to Malia.

Stiles Pov:

I think malia is mad Im going without her. But we cant be together all the time.

" We can take the Jeep" I say.

"oh joy" says Lydia.

"whats your problem with my Jeep? " I say.

" Oh i dont know maybe the fact it got us Stranded in Mexico " She says.

"Actually that was that monsters thing Fault" I say.

"So. Can you study with Malia or something sometime? I would really like it if you guys. I dont know become Friends" I say.

" We are friends" Says Lydia but the way she says it I can tell she is Lying.

"no your not , you have a mutual friendship because of me, I mean like you and Kira friends" I say.

" Well want me to be honest? " Ask Lydia.

" When are you not? " I say sarcastically with a WicKeD smile.

"I dont think she likes me " Says Lydia

" What? Thats crazy why wouldn't she like you, I Mean your Nice sometimes ." I say and laugh.

" Shutup, Stiles" She says, but where both still laughing.

" Seriously, she's just use to being alone its going to take time." She doesn't say anything but Looks away.

"Lydia are you okay"? I ask.

"Im Fine. " she says. If one thing I've learned is that a woman says she is fine it means the exact opposite.


He asks me if I'm okay, and you know when your holding it in trying not to fall apart and someone ask if your okay and you just loose it? Well that's how I feel. We arrive at The vet just in time for the conversation to end.

We walk in and see Cora laid out on the metal table.

" Where's Scott? " he ask angrily.

" At school like a good alpha. " I say sarcastically and Stiles holds back a laugh.

" I need Scott! " he says as he slams hand on the table.

" Well your stuck with us. " Says Stiles.

Deaton Walks in and examines her.

" Looks like she was Attacked by an Alpha,do you see how her lips are blue? That means she has wolfsbane in her system. Someone will need to watch her until she starts healing. Her lungs could easily collapse. " says Deaton.

"Well I need to find whoever did this while I have there scent. " says Derek.

" I can watch her at my house " I offer.

"Um no. Remember what happened last week when you watched little Derek over there, We can take her to my House I'll watch her" said Stiles.

"Ok but call if any thing happens " says Derek .

I helped get her in the jeep and up the stairs at Stiles's house. It was hard and I'm not joking for a skinny girl she is really heavy, We make it upstairs and lay her on the bed.

I stand for several minutes awkwardly.

" You dont have to stay " Says Stiles.

"its no problem to me " I say. I texted Kira and said " sorry I cant hang tonight I'm with stiles helping Cora" she replied "Have fun" and sent a winky face.

Stiles pov:

I went downstairs and grabbed some movies and snacks . I come back up with my hands full of junk food.

" Ok twilight or fast and furious? " I ask.

" Stiles why do you have Twilight? " she says while laughing.

" Im an very Emotional guy and Malia likes that movie. " I say.

"oh " she says with a bit of disappointment.

I lay the snacks and movies down and go sit next to her on the bed.

" Lydia are you okay? "

"Yea" She says. "Your a bad Liar Lydia." I say. "Yea, I know. "

Were talking face to face. Staring in each others eyes.

"Lydia you can tell me " As I say that I place my Hand on hers.

Lydias pov:

He places his hand on mine. My heart is pounding so loud I swear he can hear it. I feel like im About to cry . Its just I can't tell him it will ruin the one thing I have with him, Our Friendship.

Im trying to fight the tears, But I Can't a tear rolls down my face.

Stiles pov:

I see a tear rolling down her face. I turn her head toward mine and wipe her tear.

" Lydia Please tell me . " I say .

"I can't " Says Lydia.

" why " I ask.

she wipes her tears off and says " Stiles Im sorry".

"for what"

" For not telling you sooner , this is bad timing I know. I want you to be happy but the truth is, Im not. Stiles I think your great. Your sweet , fine as hell and well the most sarcastic person I know. I want us to be more than friends. Im sorry I didnt realize how I cared for you until you get a girlfriend. Im sorry."

She is crying and I cant believe what Im hearing, I have always cared for her. Always. I thought I would never hear this.

I Love Lydia. I always have.

All I can think is that she is crying over me.

Lydia's Pov-

I cant believe i just poured out my heart to him.

"Lydia I have always Loved you" he says . "loved" He didnt say love he said Loved.

My heart Sinks. Then unexpectedly he turns my head and Kisses me.

His lips are soft. I haven't Kissed him since his panic attack but the feelings I had then return. He pulls away and says -

" I think you look beautiful when you cry."

" Shutup Stiles " I say as I place my lips on his.

The girl who screams deathWhere stories live. Discover now